41) Finally Said It

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When we woke up I found that he had moved from on top of me to between me and the wall. I also saw that there was a note saying today was a day off for everyone, in large black letters, taped to the door. While I knew exactly what that meant I couldn't find it in me to be shocked or scared or anything really. I just lightly pressed my lips to Aris's forehead before going to leave. Being careful not to wake him, I slowly pried his arms off of my waist to take a shower. Watching him lay on his back and remain out like a light, I decided not to question how he could sleep so soundly and just be thankful for it.

"I love you,"I whispered, brushing his hair out his face and kissing his cheek. Wearing a small smile, I watched after him for another moment before grabbing my clothes and walking to the bathroom.

Closing the door, I sighed as I changed out of his shirt and my shorts. Turning on the water as hot as possible, I just stood under it for a while as I took deep breaths.

I knew what that note meant, and I felt my heart race as I thought about it. All I want is Aris. All I want is that stupid wedding we just planned out yesterday.

Shaking my head and internally reminding myself that our future was anything but stupid, I just started actually showing. Starting with my hair, I scrubbed my scalp clean as I kept thinking about what I was going to do.


Wincing at the volume and the surprise that he was up, I washed the rest of the shampoo out of my hair before answering.

I'm in the shower, okay? I'm right here.

You promise?

Swear it.


Knowing I was going to have to hurry up or he would worry, I finished as quickly as I could before stepping out and doing the same for my entire routine, even deciding to just let the rest of my damp hair air dry before stepping out to see him sitting on the bed, waiting for me.

"Damn Aris. I can't even shower without you asking for me,"I sighed.

"Sorry. They're quiet, and I didn't know where you were,"He apologized.

"You're fine. I know that you're just looking out for me,"I promised.

"Yeah. I have a question though,"He mumbled. I looked at him to tell him to ask away. "That note is weird. Does it mean that today is the day it all goes wrong?"He quietly asked.

"Do you want the truth or comfort?"I offered.

"Both,"He answered.

"Most likely. We've been here for a good minute,"I admitted. His face dropped even more as he took in the information. "But we know what happens now, right? Or more than last time. And I'm going to do everything to protect you. It will be okay,"I promised.

"Yeah, but I want to look after you,"He whispered.

"We've talked about this."

"Yeah, and we haven't had an answer,"He pointed out.

"You want an answer?"I asked, sitting beside him. He nodded his head. "There isn't one. Not yet. Not until it happens. I'll look after you, but you're doing the same. It doesn't work like that so all we can do is wait and see."

"I don't like that answer,"He mumbled, crossing his arms.

"Neither do I, but it's all we have,"I reminded him.

"We are all we have,"He added.

"Yeah. We are. Which probably means we know the truth. It's like when we fought the monsters I guess. We'll protect each other,"I said, standing up and leaning against the wall. Looking at the floor, I took a breath as I waited for his response.

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