25) Hungry

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Waking up to him on top of me was normal now. In fact, if he wasn't touching me in some way, whether it was him hugging me from behind or wrapping his arms around my back, I'd be convinced that something had happened to him.

Rubbing circles on his shoulder, I kept my eyes shut and smiled as I felt him bury his face in the crook of my neck. Then, he pressed his soft lips to my skin, making me sigh as I opened them. Raising his head to look at me, he cuddled his face into the crook my neck one more time before just staring at me. Then again, I stared back with absolutely no problem, with no shame in the out of my stomach.

No. I stared at him with pride. Pride that I can call him mine. Pride that he's still so kind after whatever he'll he had gone through. Pride that he so loving despite everything trying to turn him into someone full of disdain. Pride of the way I love and treasure him.

With a lopsided, morning grin, he kissed the tip of my nose. Taking his face in my hands, I ran my fingers through his hair before connecting our lips. Deepening it, he kept his hands on my waist, lightly running his fingertips down my hips and making me shiver, as we moved in sync. Placing my arms around his neck, I kept him as close to my as humanly possible. Even then though, it wasn't enough. Nothing would be, nothing could be. So this was the only solution. Him. Aris. My Aris.

Pushing his lips against mine a bit rougher, I did the same, wrapping my arms around his neck. As things were finally, truly getting heated the door slammed open. Frantically pulling apart, we turned our heads to see Sonya standing there.

"I was coming to say Gally has breakfast which is probably good. You two seem really hungry,"She shrugged, shutting the door. With a groan, I buried my face in my hands as I felt my cheeks burn.

"We could hide in here forever,"Aris suggested.

"We can't. I'm actually hungry,"I mumbled.

"I can tell."

"Shut up. We don't speak of this moment. Nobody speaks of this moment,"I demanded, getting up and grabbing my clothes. Keeping my back turned, I slipped a probably clean bra and shirt over my head while wearing the same night pants. Tossing him his, I turned around so he could do the same.

"Ready,"He announced. Turning around, I made sure that it was on correctly this time. Somehow this dumbass didn't.

"You're even more of an idiot than normal in the morning,"I sighed. Already knowing what I was talking about, he pulled it over his head as I covered my eyes.

"You're so cute when you're flustered,"He sighed, pulling my hands away.

"Shut up,"I mumbled, crossing my arms over my chest. "I swear that you do stupid stuff on purpose,"I added.

"And if I said yes?"

"That makes you even dumber."

"If I said it was to say the way you blush?"

"I do not blush,"I denied, staring at the ground only for him to trail his hand up my jaw and make me look at him. Wearing a cocky grin as my face got hot, I repeated for him to shut his trap while glaring at him.

"I didn't say anything."

"You didn't have to,"I sighed, shaking my head. "You can head to breakfast,"I added, looking for my supplies, only for him to be standing there, just looking at me. Looking him up and down, I figured that I may as well explain.

"I'll be there in a minute. I've got to fix my hair,"I told him, grabbing the brush and hair tie. Still, he didn't move as he just kept looking at me. I repeated my words, but he just shrugged.

"I don't want to go without you,"He shrugged. With a nod, I put my hair in the messiest ponytail to exist before gesturing for him to get breakfast. With a dorky grin, he followed me out of the door to do just that.

"Well, good morning. Did you two have fun?"Sonya remarked the instant we entered the kitchen.

"Learn to knock,"I mumbled, grabbing a pre-made plate. Taking a seat at the usual counter, Aris did the same. The second that he was able to he secretly placed his hand on my thigh. Looking at him through the corner of my eye, I saw him give me a small smile before starting to eat.

"Have fun with what?"Teresa asked with a knowing grin, continuing the conversation.

"Nothing that I want to know,"Frypan added.

"For once, you said something smart,"Harriet casually insulted. He gave her a glare before looking at us for some reason. Avoiding eye contact, I drank my juice before remembering something.

"Where's Gally?"

"He said he had something important to do,"Frypan answered.

"That's promising,"Harriet sighed, tapping her fingers on the table and shaking her head.

"Yeah. If you're insane."

"Well Frypan, sometimes I think that you are,"She deadpanned. Honestly, I was right there with her.

"That was uncalled for,"He complained.

"Fry, you know how these conversations end with. If I were you I would quit while you were ahead,"Teresa recommended. Again, people were saying really smart things this morning. Just not my lovable idiot beside me.

"I would say the same thing, but this entertains me,"Sonya added.

"You shanks can be entertained at something besides my expense,"He huffed, grabbing his bowl of cereal as he walked away.

"I've actually learned something from being around him,"Harriet remarked when he left. Snapping our heads towards her, we all waited for what she could possibly have to follow it. "If you ever run into a boy expect them to be dramatic,"She finished, grabbing her own plate and heading to her room. Following her lead, Sonya did the same, leaving Aris, Teresa, and I.

"Have you guys heard anything new?"She asked, looking between us.

"I wish. For now, we're just waiting,"I answered, glancing at my food before putting it down. Choosing not to have a repeat of yesterday, I pushed away all of those thoughts as I kept thinking of what to do next.

Yes. We are just waiting now.

But what if we didn't have to?

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