26) Do What You Want

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It really seemed like their only plan was to keep us locked in her forever. Honestly, it was killing me. I needed to know more or do something. Sitting here completely oblivious made me want to pull my hair out. 

“Why are you looking at the door like that?”Aris asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

“Like what?”

“You know what. Y/N, what are you thinking?”

“I just need to know more about what happens here. What I have isn't enough so-”
“Absolutely not,”He interrupted, crossing his arms.

“Look. It's not like I’m going to do anything bad. I’m just-”
“No. You're not leaving,”He repeated.

“It’s funny how you think you have a choice in this,”I pointed out.

“You can't just leave. All we have to do is stay here. We just-”
“I need to know why specifically they have us locked up. I know, but I don't know. Not really, so-”
“You are not leaving me again. Not when I just got you back,”He argued.

“I’m not leaving. I’ll be back soon,”I pointed out.

“You don't know that. You don't know what they’ll do if they catch you.”

“It's going to be fine. I just-”
“You don't know if it’ll be fine,”He snapped. 

“You're acting like I can't handle myself,”I huffed.

“That is not what I’m saying. It's-”
“I’m going to see what happens behind closed doors here whether you like it or not,”I scowled, going to storm past him. The second I stood up he grabbed my wrist and spun me around so that I was facing him. By that I mean he was literally inches from my face.

“I just got you back. Do you understand? We’ve barely gotten a chance to be together. Y/N, if something happened to you because you left, that would shatter me. So stay where you belong. Stay with me, my pretty girl,”He pleaded, taking both of my hands in his. Glancing at them, then him, then the tears in his eyes, I nodded. With a relieved sigh, he pulled me into him. Wrapping my arms around his waist, I hugged him back as tightly as possible while uncrossing my fingers.


I know that I told him I would stay. Still, with him curled into my side this time, I kept my arm around him as I rubbed his back. Not once did he stir.

“I’m sorry, but I’ll be back before you wake up. You're not going to lose me again,”I promised, slowly moving my hand out from under him. Holding my breath, I felt him shift closer as I tried to pull away. Keeping still, I waited to see if he would show any more signs of being awake. Listening to his even breathing, when it seemed to be staying that way I unwrapped his arms from my waist before climbing out of the bed. Pulling the blankets over him, I made sure that he was all tucked in before pressing a kiss to his forehead. 

“I’ll be back soon, my love,”I whispered, standing over him for a moment to make sure he was alright. When the only movement continued being from his chest, I pressed my lips to his temple again before grabbing the bobby pin from my pocket. Taking long, slow steps for what seemed like hours, I crept to the door. Not daring to turn around, I started by just opening it. When the doorknob only wiggled back and forth I put my ear to the door and turned the bobby pin back and forth. Hoping those YouTube videos I had once thought useless were stuck in the back of my mind, I went left and right. Each time a noise was louder I kept turning that way until a click practically echoed. Turning around, I saw his figure in the exact same position. Still, I held my breath as I stared at his sleeping figure.

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