23) Take-out

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I was completely unapologetic when we headed towards the kitchen five hours late. Sort of. I gave a half hearted one while Aris trailed behind me. Ignoring Fry's not so subtle look downs, we were at the same spot as last time.

"You like sleeping in the same bed as your loverboy?"He smirked as Aris subtly kept his hand on my thigh.

"You like having your teeth in your mouth?"I shot back, placing my hand over Aris's and running my fingers over his knuckles.

"Everyone's always threatening my life when I ask the most simple questions,"He complained.

"That's because your questions are either stupid, snide, or suggestive,"Harriet listed.

"Why is nobody ever on my side?"He complained.

"Because your side is always implying things that aren't true,"Sonya shrugged.

"Is it though? I mean I've seen some pretty horrific stuff,"He sighed, looking over at us.

"It was an accident,"I immediately defended. Before anyone could ask Gally thankfully came in with a few boxes of takeout.

"Good to see you two shanks are awake,"He remarked, glancing over at us.

"Morning to you too."

"Afternoon,"He corrected.

"Same difference,"I shrugged.

Did you tell him?

Silently saying no, I gave his hand a gentle squeeze. Still, I let him know out loud. To us at least.

No, my love. I said that you were tired.

"Hope you shanks like Chinese food,"Gally announced, handing us each a box.

"Hell yeah. I missed take-out,"I grinned. I would honestly take any kind that was given to me. After all, beggars can't be choosers.

"Where'd you get take-out before?"Gally questioned.

"Don't worry about it,"I waved him off.

"It's just kind of-"
"Shut up about my takeout, okay? You're ruining my experience."

"Guys. I think that Y/N might really like takeout,"Fry pretended to ponder. I threw him a glare which he just gave a shrug to. They need to just leave me and my food alone.

"Gee. What gives you that idea?"Gally deadpanned.

"The next person to say something about it is getting an egg roll thrown at them,"I warned.

"Even me?"Aris asked.

"Especially you."

"See? Even with something that makes her happy she's so mean to-"
Interrupting him, I tossed my egg roll at his head. Before it could fall to the ground he grabbed it and shoved the entire thing in his mouth. Looking at him in absolute horror, I didn't even want to know how the hell he did that. All I know is that's straight up concerning.

"Don't eat too slow now. Wouldn't want you to enjoy your meal,"Sonya said, rolling her eyes.

"Actually, it's Y/N's meal,"He corrected.

"You want mine?"Aris quietly offered. I shook my head no as I twirled my noodles with my chopsticks. Ignoring my answer, he tossed it in my box. As I went to protest he was quick to interrupt me.

"You want it. You just don't want mine,"He pointed out.

"Screw off,"I mumbled.

"That's a funny way of saying thank you."

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