3) The Buttons

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Aris's P.O.V

"So how exactly do we contact Gally?"Frypan asked.

"Who even is Gally anyway?"Harriet added.

"She's apparently like the guy version of Beth,"Y/N shrugged. The others had visible concern, and it was clear they were still not used to how much she knows. It seems like they forgot just how much knowledge she truly has of everything but for the most random things. She literally told us we defeat WICKED, and the thing that shocks them is that she knows who Beth is. Then again I've had more time to adjust to this.

It's weird that our hatred and secrets are what brought us together, but I wouldn't change it for anything or any awful thing we've gone through because it always leads to her. Even the tons of bruises and broken nose she gave me are worth it.

Quit looking at me like that you weirdo.

I glanced over at Y/N who sent me a subtle eye roll. That didn't hide the small hint of red across her cheeks.

That's a little bit egotistic, don't you think?

No. I'm the only one you gaze at like you have two braincells left. Now stop figuring out big kid words, and pay attention.

Damnit, I love her. Even when she's calling me an idiot in every way possible.

Your P.O.V

I was giving the small run-down on Right Arm, the last city, and Gally. I made sure to describe what a city looks like in great detail so they wouldn't be to caught off guard.

As I did I felt someone's eyes on me. I looked over to see Aris not even remotely paying attention with a barely noticeable smile. I wasn't even sure if he was doing that voluntarily. Both smiling and looking at me the way he is.

Quit looking at me like that you weirdo.

His face didn't remotely change. If anything his grin only grew. I rolled my eyes to hide the way my face burned.

That's a little egotistical, don't you think?

No. I'm the only one you gaze at like you have two braincells left. Now stop figuring out big kid words, and pay attention.

Damnit, I love him. Even when he looks like a lovesick fool. I can't say I feel the worst about breaking his nose though. I can say I'm glad I saved him, and I'm glad he looks at me the way he does.

I won't admit the last one though so don't hold your breath. After all, I can't take all the fun out of our banter. I appreciate it way to much. If I hadn't shoved him against a building I don't even know if I'd be here, much less for him.

"Y/N, you were saying?"Frypan asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, uh, right. What was I saying again?"I asked.

Who's the weirdo now?

Shut up Aris.

Let me repeat myself. I truly love this boy almost as much as I love making fun of him.

"You were saying something about a mall,"He reminded me.

"Right. So you're going to see a bunch of buildings with people buying things inside. Pretend they don't exist. If someone asks you to buy something turn them down. If they walk by pretend you don't see them, and please, please, please don't get scammed or hit by a car while we're out,"I begged. They now looked puzzled at what a car was.

"This is going to take a while,"I sighed.


It seemed like years before I was able to explain the bare minimum to them. I kept reminding myself that one slipup would screw us over. It was the only way to avoid slamming my head against the floor.

"No more questions for now. For the love of-"
"Aris,"Frypan interrupted. I gave him a confused look.

"That was definitely what you were going to say,"He remarked.

"Suddenly, I kind of want you to get hit by a car,"I deadpanned, with no shame. My voice didn't even sound the least bit sarcastic which was great. I like leaving people on their toes.

"Remind me what that is again."

"What did I do to deserve this?"I mumbled.

"You chose to come back. Nobody forced you to,"He reminded me.

"I'm going to jump off this Berg in three seconds if you don't stop talking."

"Let's not do that. I like having half a clue what the world is like,"Sonya shrugged.

"You know what? I'm going to isolate myself for like five minutes before I explain anything else. See you,"I said, walking out of the room and to somewhere. This place is huge. I may as well explore it.

So I did. I roamed the halls, turning corner after corner. Eventually, I came to a pitch black room. I stumbled for a light switch before my hand felt it. I turned it on only to get a small electric shock. I pulled my hand away and cursed before walking forward. As I did I felt something above my head. It was the actual light string.

I turned it on, and bright, white, blinding light covered the area. I squinted before glancing around.

Right in front of me was a computer screen filled with buttons: green, red, blue, glowing, scratched, and anything else you can think of.

I stepped forward and observed them. Some of them said things like 'directions' or 'observe.' That wasn't what I cared about though.

The words 'print,' 'find,' and 'communicate' were what we really needed. This was our ticket out. The way to make fake papers, find where Gally is, and talk to him was all wrapped up with a neat bow.

It's time to start the real adventure and the deadly part. This time nothing's taking me away from it. I put that on my life.

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