34) Take Me

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I wish I could say that I woke up on my own after a few minutes, but that would be a total lie. Feeling his lips on my forehead, I opened my eyes to Aris kissing my temple before pulling away. Cupping my face, he just gazed at me while smiling.

"Hi,"He whispered, brushing my hair out of my eyes.


"I love you."

"I know, my love,"I sighed as he wore that same smile. Despite the way I was trying to hide it, I felt myself blush as he just held my face to keep staring at me.


"Shut your mouth before I make you,"I threatened.

"I think I'd like that,"He shrugged.

"Honesty is important,"He interrupted, already knowing I was going to have a few choice words.

"Not like that."

"Show me how then,"He teased.

"I actually hate you,"I mumbled.

"How long would I have to talk for-"
Shutting him up, I put my hand over his mouth. With his eyes immediately showing disappointment, he looked like a kid who pulled up to the dentist's office after being promised Disney World.

This is not what you're supposed to do.

I think it's exactly what I'm supposed to do.

Is this for making you go to sleep?

No. This is because I hate you.

Well, maybe I hate you. How about that?

If you're this clingy to people that you hate, I feel sorry for people you love.

So you feel sorry for yourself?

"I'm already dating you. You don't have to flirt,"I pointed out, pulling my hand away.

"I actually do. It makes you blush, and I really like making you blush,"He debated, whispering the last part in my ear.

"Did you seriously wake me up to get on my nerves?"I complained.

"Oh, right. We're supposed to be in Frypan and Teresa's room,"He casually explained, rolling off of me.

"Damnit Aris, you don't think that was important?"I asked, putting on my shoes with one hand.

"I'm sorry, but it's your fault,"He shrugged, doing the same.

"My fault? How is this my fault?"I questioned as we walked out the door beside him.

"Because you distracted me."

"By what? Existing?"

"Obviously. I mean come on. I'm not supposed to admire you every chance I get?"

"Yes. That's what normal people do, you idiot."

"Yeah? Well, I'm not normal."

"The thing's you say would fit on an early 2000's T-shirt,"I sighed as I knocked on their door.

"Why? What's special about those?"

"They're cringy. Just like you,"I answered. Before he could protest the door opened, revealing a slightly irritated Harriet.

"I'm not going to ask. Just come on,"She sighed, gesturing for us to step inside. Doing so, we saw Frypan and Teresa sitting on the bed while Sonya had herself propped on the counter. Choosing the floor, I sat between both as Aris followed suit.

A Second Chance (book 2. of Transport)Where stories live. Discover now