15) Bittersweet

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Everyone was, to put it lightly, nervous. Harriet was walking taller than normal as if to prove that she belonged here, Sonya was just staring right through everything, Frypan had actually stopped talking, and Aris hadn't let go of my hand. As for me, well, I also hadn't made him. Despite all our paperwork going through without a hitch (besides the offhanded comments about munnies) we still had to actually meet Right Arm which is a whole other ball game. So even after a casual dinner with Gally all of us were on edge.

"First things first. We're going to get you guys rooms. You'll end up sharing with one other person,"Gally explained. Without even realizing I had glanced over at Aris who was looking right back. "One of you can end up with either me or some stranger if you want so you can decide now or talk it out-"
"I'm with Harriet,"Sonya said firmly.

"I'm with Aris."
"I'm with Y/N."

"I feel so appreciated,"Frypan complained.

"This is literally the best course of action. We've known each other longest, those two are together, and you and Teresa can have some bonding time,"Harriet listed.

"Alright. You're all sticking with your decisions? Once you're there that's it."

"Yeah. We are,"Aris repeated.

"If you're sure-"
"We're sure,"I promised.

"Alright then. You'll all get settled in, shower, change clothes, fight over which bunk you want. After that it should be lights out for the night."

"Sounds good,"I nodded.

"Definitely. I want some sleep,"Frypan agreed. For the first time on this trip I actually agreed back.


Was I internally panicking as I sat on the bottom bunk? Yes. Yes I was. Would this all actually be fine or would I end up screwing this up more? Because I really cannot do that. It's not even like I came back to be a leader and fix everything. I only came back for Aris so the thought of anybody depending on me, especially for something that I can't control, is terrifying.

You overthinking again?

"No. I'm not,"I denied, looking over to see him in the doorway, freshly showered, with new clothes. It was essentially the same as mine. A plain black shirt and blue nightpants. Nothing particular fancy but comfy enough.

"If you say so,"He shrugged. "Are you taking the bottom bunk then?"He added.

"Are you serious?"

"Do you want me to be?"

"I'm kidding,"He promised, squeezing next to me. I turned to face him while he just stared at me with a dazed look.

"Are you going to tell me what's bothering you?"He whispered.

"Are you?"I whispered back.

"Same as always I guess. Just worried about whatever comes next. You know that I trust everything you say, but at the same time what you do is sort of limited,"He explained.

"Yeah. I know,"I nodded.

"Now you. What's on your mind?"

"Just scared I'll screw everything up more,"I admitted.

"You won't."

A Second Chance (book 2. of Transport)Where stories live. Discover now