4) Silent Words

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"Guys, hey guys,"I called, making my way back to them. I was out of breath from running so hard, but I couldn't help it. I was ecstatic that we had part of the puzzle in place.

"Are you okay?"Teresa asked.

"Follow me,"I urged, gesturing them forward. They just looked at each other, confused.

"Come on. I figured it out. The papers, the links, the way in. Let's go already,"I rambled. Finally, they got up and followed me out the door.

"So where exactly are we going?"Sonya asked.

"I'm going to show you. Just don't touch anything when you get there. You'll burn your hand,"I warned.

"How reassuring,"Frypan grumbled. I paid no mind to it as I was almost sprinting by now.

"Can you slow down for just two seconds?"He yelled.

"No. Let's go already."

Thankfully, they didn't ask anything more as I ran around another corner, slipping on the floor as I did. I got back up and continued heading there.

So graceful.

Says you.

I didn't say anything else, too determined to show them what I found. With one last turn we were in front of the door. I was almost at an embarrassingly level of giddy as I opened it.

I avoided the false switch this time and pulled on the string. Well, I was about to when I heard someone hiss in pain. I just sighed and shook my head before turning on the actual light.

Someone complained about the sudden brightness which I paid no mind to as I was almost bouncing on my toes.

"There. Right there,"I exclaimed, pointing at the screen.

"What is this?"Sonya asked slowly.

"Our way out. We can print false papers, which will give you new identities. We'll either contact Right Arm to ask for Gally or find him. One of them can help us get in the city or we'll do it alone. It doesn't matter because it's going to get done eventually,"I explained in one breath.

"Woah. Do you know how to use all this?"Harriet asked.

"Not really, but we can figure it out. It shouldn't be too different from a computer, I hope,"I said, mumbling the last part.

"If you say this is our way out then this is it. Ladies and gentleman. The future is in our hands,"Frypan exclaimed.

That it definitely is. As long as we use our common sense we should be just fine.


"You have no common sense sometimes,"I sighed, bandaging Aris's hand. He was the one who decided to ignore my warning and touch the false light switch. Apparently, his shock was stronger because his hand was burnt.

"Only sometimes? What did I do for you to be so nice to me today?"He asked, sounding completely serious but wearing the brightest grin.

Sometimes, he genuinely worries me. Then again that was kind of obvious from the start. I didn't cut my palm open for fun. Still, it's the way he's either completely casual or completely serious. There's no middle ground. Plus, he got hurt in one of the dumbest ways possible today.

"I can't believe this is the idiot I fell in love with,"I said too quietly for him to hear.

I heard that.

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