10) My Girl

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Aris's P.O.V

Just like I said I would I let her lean against me until she woke up on her own. She groaned and rubbed her eyes as she sat up.

"Good morning,"I greeted.

"When'd you get up?"She instantly interrogated.

"I don't know. About an hour ago,"I shrugged.

"What? You didn't think to wake me up?"She asked, already defensive. I just gave her another shrug.

"I hate when you do that,"She complained.

"Do what? Look after you?"

"Yeah. Don't do that."

"Right, and how many times do I listen to you when you tell me to do something?"

"Never, but you should. That's how you got your burnt hand,"She reminded me.

"Look who cares now."

"Shut up,"She mumbled, trying to hide her flushed cheeks. Instead of mentioning it I kissed her forehead. She smiled as I pulled away.

"Come on. Frypan's complaining about food,"I said, standing up and holding out my hand. She ignored it and brushed her hair out as she stood next to me.

"Again?"She asked. I nodded as I learned that this was apparently a daily thing.

"I'm gonna kill him,"She sighed, rubbing her forehead in annoyance.

"Okay. Just don't get caught."

"Aris. Don't encourage me to commit crimes."

"I thought I wasn't supposed to look after you,"I recited.

"Whatever. Let's just go get breakfast. Preferably, before anyone else complains,"She suggested, taking my hand and walking with me. Her showing affection first was different, but I didn't mind one bit. I'd be an idiot if I did. An actual idiot this time. Not like when she calls me one.

Your P.O.V

I was for some reason having the best sleep I've ever had. For some reason, I felt completely comfortable and safe while resting. Eventually, the sun started shining in my eyes though so I had to wake up.

Yawning as I moved I suddenly realized why I slept so well. I had fallen asleep on Aris's shoulder.

"Good morning."

"When'd you get up?"I asked, hoping it wasn't too long ago.

As always with him though it was. In fact, it was almost a full hour of him just sitting here.

"What? You didn't think to wake me up?"I asked in disbelief. He just shrugged again.

"I hate when you do that,"I mumbled.

"Do what? Look after you?"

"Yeah. Don't do that,"I directed, not really wanting to dive into why. Explaining that I haven't had someone truly look after me
even though I technically had a 'family' and they definitely wouldn't do something like stay still just so I could sleep, didn't sound like a fun conversation. Wanting someone to care for you is one thing, but accepting it is another. It's also harder to do.

"Right, and how many times do I listen to you when you tell me to do something?"He asked.

"Never, but you should. That's how you got your burnt hand,"I pointed out.

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