20) Imprisoned

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With all of us at the round table this time after dinner, it was taking everything not to just glance at each other every five seconds. For me, I just decided that the kitchen cabinets were super interesting. That and that constant ticking clock, become the main focus right now. I wonder if they're made of mahogany. I mean I don't know what the hell that is, but now's as good a time as ever to learn.

Without even realizing my eyes were scanning every last inch of this place. From door to window, every possible passage of exit was stored into my mind. I'm not really sure what use it would be but better safe than sorry. Well, not actually safe, but I like pretending every now and then that there's a chance.

After another moment of buzzing silence footsteps were heard. Snapping our heads towards the noise, we all saw Gally completely alone but in a gray uniform with some kind of tools on a black belt. Embroidered across the chest in big red lettering were the words "RIGHT ARM."

Without a word he took a seat across from us. With his hands folded on the table, I felt like a little kid that had been sent to the principal's office. With Frypan looking almost hunched over in his seat, he still seemed the most off-put out of all of us which made sense. He knew Gally better than any of us ever could so he knew what would be deemed odd behavior from him.

"So I spoke to Lawrence about all of you, and after a good amount of consideration we worked out what happens next. Since we don't have other immunes and people really aren't fond of them you're only allowed in your rooms and this kitchen for around a month. I'll tell you guys when mealtime is and once a week bring you guys basic hygiene supplies and clothes. After that, we'll see about you all becoming members,"He explained. We all exchanged glances as we took in the information that we were essentially imprisoned for at least a month before whatever happens next. Like always though, Harriet held her head the highest while Teresa just had this look of having expected something like this. Sonya and Fry basically wore the expression "this is really going to suck" while Aris just seemed to be debating something in his head.

"So right now you get to go to your rooms and do whatever. As long as you're not too loud almost nothing is off limits,"He explained before pulling his chair out and going somewhere, leaving us in silence. Like always, Frypan was the first to break it as he mumbled something about hellish boredom and got up. One by one we all did the same to truly think about this.


"What do you think about it? About what Gally told us?"Aris asked, running his hands through my slightly damp hair. With me between his legs, sitting on the ground, I kept still as he attempted to style it. I didn't even wonder how anymore.

"It's weird but not really unexpected. It could be worse though, before all the actual bad stuff happens,"I shrugged. He just loudly sighed after my statement as he tried to put in a ponytail. I think.

"You don't have to-"
"I'm almost done,"He argued.

"Are you though?"

"Does it actually matter?"

"That's a no."

"To be fair, I don't spend my free time doing hair,"He pointed out.

"Yeah so I don't know why you're trying to start."

"Are you questioning my abilities?"

"No. I'm questioning what I always do."

"Which is?"

"Your sanity,"I answered.

"Say that one more time, and I'm going to hit you with the hairbrush,"He threatened.

"How awfully terrifying,"I deadpanned.

"Oh, absolutely,"He agreed. After still being determined to do this I heard the rubber band that he had been struggling with snap. With an irritated groan, he threw it across the room.

"So did you have fun?"I grinned, looking up at him.

"I was with you so obviously,"He shrugged, putting his arms around me. Leaning against his chest, I closed my eyes as he traced small shapes on my skin. Letting this feel okay, I actually allowed myself to doze off.

Aris's P.O.V

I just kept my hold on her as she fell asleep in my arms. Honestly, I don't blame her. So much had happened in so little time, and she had been determined to avoid resting. The only time she seemed to do so was with . . . me.

"Feel safe with me forever, okay? Let me love you forever and ever,"I whispered, pressing my lips to her forehead. She didn't stir as I traced little hearts on her arms. Hugging her a little tighter, I put my head on her shoulder and fell asleep with her.

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