36) Soft Side

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Having to keep his jacket on got old kind of fast. Well, not really the jacket since it's his. More of the way I had to make sure no part of last night showed. Because that was our moment and ours alone.

"Why do you two look like you're going to Antarctica?"Sonya just had to point out.

"Cold,"Aris lied, glancing at me through the corner of his eye. Giving him a small smile, I put my hand in his under the table.

"I don't know what this is, but I don't like it,"Frypan remarked.

"We have no clue what you're talking about,"He shrugged.

"We? You speak for the fortune teller now?"

"I do in fact have no idea what you're talking about,"I countered.

"If I ever act like that in a relationship, someone kill me."

"Well, it's a good thing that no girl will ever want you,"Harriet pointed out.

"That is not true,"He complained.

"As a girl, I agree,"I added.

"You don't count. You've got your precious loverboy that you are constantly traumatizing me with."

"It was an accident,"I repeated for the hundredth time.

"You do know your bed's right next to my wall, right?"He asked, making Aris choke on his apple juice as I quickly focused on the ground. That thought obviously didn't cross our minds.

Even worse, if it did I don't think that it would have changed our decision. Sorry Fry.

"Context?"Teresa asked.

"You're lucky that you're a light sleeper. Not all of us have that luxury."

"I'm done with breakfast. Aris, are you done with breakfast?"

"Yes,"He instantly agreed, grabbing his plate and throwing it in the trash by the island as we left. Speed walking to our room, I basically threw the door open and pushed him inside. Shutting it behind me, I leaned against it as my face burned.

"Poor Fry,"He sighed.

"I beg to differ."

"To be fair, he seems to have awful luck when it comes to seeing things that he shouldn't. Or hearing them."

"But the comments aren't necessary,"I pointed out.

"They could be worse,"He shrugged, like we hadn't just left breakfast because of them.

"You know what, Aris? Screw you."

"Uh, why?"

"Because you're not on my side here."

"I have always been by your side,"He argued. "For the most part."

"I hate you so much."

"Mhm. Totally,"He drew out.

"Bro, why are you like this?"

"Bro? Did you just call me bro?"He asked, crossing his arms as he did.

"Congratulations on not being deaf."

"When the hell did I become bro?"

"Since now,"I said in a duh tone.

"You know what? I'll just start calling you dude. How about that?"

"Oh, the terror,"I deadpanned.

"I'll take away pretty girl from you."

"How awful."

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