28) Gifts

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Aris's P.O.V

Waking up the next day hurt. Because instead of waking up cuddled to her side, with her to my chest, or laying on her with my head in the crook of her neck, I woke up to emptiness. Pure emptiness.

Climbing down, the first thing I did was make sure that she was there. The second I saw her figure my heart that I didn't know was racing almost calmed down.

Almost. Looking in her bed, I saw her face peeking out of the covers as she was facing the wall. Her red, puffy, tear streaked face.

"That wasn't fair. You said you wouldn't, and you left. Like it was nothing, you walked out,"I murmured, swallowing a lump in my throat. "But I'm glad that you're okay. I'm grateful you're here, but I want you to be able to stay,"I explained. "You can't leave me again, you know? Not after all we went through to get where we are. That wasn't right,"I pointed out as if she was able to hear. So obviously I didn't get anything back, but I had to tell her.

Watching her for just a little longer, I went back and forth with myself in my head. Eventually my need for comfort, for love, for her, won.

Without a word I crawled next to her. Hugging her from behind, I slowly wrapped my arms around her waist so that I wouldn't wake her. She mumbled something incoherent before leaning closer to my chest. Holding back tears, I placed my face in the crook of her neck and whispered all that I wanted to say.


Your P.O.V

I don't know when I had fallen asleep, but it was after the carving was done. I had attempted to start another and cut myself a good few times in the dark. I never was good with conflict so distractions of some kind, no matter how dangerous, were needed. In this case, handling a deadly weapon where I basically couldn't see was my poison.

Still, I must have dozed off because I opened my eyes to see that I was facing the wall. Not that it meant much. I was more than worn out from last night and probably forcing myself awake as long as possible.

Thinking it through for a minute, I decided to get up. As I tried to sit up I realized there was something holding me down.

Or someone.

Glancing over, I saw Aris holding me closer than ever. Instantly, I wondered if last night was a dream.

When I saw his puffy face and felt the small injuries on my arms though, I knew it wasn't. So when did he come down? Why?

Laying back down, I placed his hands in mine and tried not to cry. Honestly, I don't even know what the tears would be for at this point. I was also too tired to try and figure it out. So I kept him as close to me as possible while closing my eyes. Feeling my breathing even out, I allowed myself to go to sleep.


This time when I woke up it was to someone tracing their fingers on my arms. Ignoring the goosebumps, I looked over to see Aris staring at me with a frown. Noticing that I was awake, he gave me a nod while still holding me.

"I'm sorry for breaking my promise,"I immediately blurted out.

"I know,"He whispered.

"I would never try to hurt you. Ever."

"I know."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

"Is it?"

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