40) Wedding Planning

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I love winning. There's nothing like completing a challenge and doing so successfully.

He just seemed relieved that it was over as I woke up to him kissing my temple. Looking up at him, the second I met his eyes he pressed his lips against mine. Just as I was about to deepen it he kissed the tip of my nose before going down my jaw. Getting on top of me, he put my arms above my head as he kissed down my neck, to my collarbone, before moving back to my lips and forehead.

“I think that's enough kisses.”

“There’s no such thing as too many kisses.”

“I think the amount you're giving me right now is,”I pointed out. Ignoring that, he was back at the side of my neck. “Aris-”
“It’s been. Too long. Without kissing. You,”He said between them.

“You've been fine,”I reminded him, wiggling my wrists out of his grip, getting him off of me, and grabbing my pants and his shirt to take a shower.

“Wait,”He called as I tried to leave. Turning around, I felt his arms around me, almost making me stumble to the ground before I hugged back. “Okay. That's all,”He shrugged, letting me go. Leaving him there, I hid my smile until I locked the door.

Turning on the shower, I took off my clothes and stepped in. Being quick, I just scrubbed myself down and washed my hair before deciding that was enough. Stepping out, I dried myself off before wrapping my hair in a towel. Getting myself dressed, I buttoned my jeans and slipped his hoodie over my head before brushing my teeth. After spitting it in the sink I decided this was also acceptable enough as I unlocked the door to see him sitting on the bed, whistling to himself.

“You do know how creepy that is, right?”I sighed.

“Well, it's scary when you constantly threaten death on people, but you don't see me complaining, do you?”

“You know who whistles to themselves? Serial killers,”I informed him, laying on the bed next to him as he kept staring at the wall.

“You know what serial killers do, you hypocrite? Threaten death on people,”He shot back, looking me up and down to add to the point.

“I highly doubt they’d plan on admitting their guilt to the world.”

“There have been so very unintelligent serial killers throughout the years,”He shrugged.

“Why the hell do you know that?”

“Why don't you?”

“That's not an answer.”

“I feel like it is.”

“No. It's really not,”I repeated.

“Technically, if you think about it, aren't we all about to be serial killers?”

“These are some very unique circumstances. I really don't think it counts.”

“You think a lot of things. It doesn't mean they're right.”

“Are you calling me dumb?”I asked in disbelief.

“No, but I wasn't calling you smart.”

“You're a prick,”I insulted, glaring at him.

“Oh, I’m the prick? Not the girl who's constantly bullying me?”He pointed out, laying beside me.

“You don't seem to mind,”I shrugged, meeting his gaze.

“What if I do?”

“But you don't so it really doesn't matter, does it?”

“You're the worst? You know that, right?”

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