19) Talk To Me

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"So what was that about? With Teresa?"Aris asked. I just shrugged as I fidgeted with my pocket knife. Not giving up, he sat on the edge of the bed next to me and repeated the question.

"Nothing I can say out loud right now,"I mumbled.

"And the other thing?"

"What other thing?"

"You,"He said like it was obvious.

"What about me?"

"What else is on your mind?"He clarified.

"Also, not something I want to share,"I answered.

"You're closing yourself off again,"He quietly pointed out.

"Yeah. I am,"I nodded.


"I don't know. It's just how I am. It always has been for as long as I can remember."

"You can talk to me though,"He promised.

"I can't-"
"Y/N,"He whispered, turning me to look at him. I felt my face heat up as he saw right through me. No matter how desperately that small part of me was trying to stay closed off, he had an idea of what it was. With him, there was nowhere to hide. I'm just not sure if it's mortifying or romantic. Probably both.

"Talk to me,"He asked again.

"I can't-"
Please my pretty girl, just tell me what's on your mind.

"It's kind of stupid,"I admitted.

"I'm not going to judge you for whatever you say, okay? Ever,"He reassured me, still staying inches away from me. Thinking it over, after a moment I decided there was nothing to be scared of. Not with him.

"I'm not a leader, Aris. No matter how hard I've tried I have never been able to be the person people look up to and believe in. What if I just made this worse? What if I made a paradox and ruined everything?"

"And what if you just saved someone?"

"Nobody should count that. Nobody should count on me."

"What about the lightning? When you save that one guy, Jack I think. You acted like a leader then, and you did it better than we could have. That was something."

"That was different, and you know it. That was straight adrenaline."

"And you think you won't have adrenaline in a fight to the death?"

"I don't know,"I shrugged.

"You're going to be fine. We all are, and you're going to make everything better. Not worse."

"Can you just stop being so sure that I can do stuff? This isn't something that I should be in charge of. Nothing is. Because even if you think that I'm helpful, I'm lost. I'm going to make this worse, because that's what I always do. It's the one thing that I'm completely sure of. That's what I'm actually good at and-"
He cut me off mid-sentence by smashing his lips against mine, catching me off guard. Forgetting about whatever I was ranting about, I gently kissed back. He took his time, gradually deepening it as he put his arms around my neck with me doing the same. As we were as close as possible we ran out of oxygen making us pull away.

"What was that for?"I asked, remaining near him.

"Don't talk down to yourself. Ever,"He whispered.

"And you couldn't have just said that?"I pointed out.

"No. You don't listen to me when you start talking like that."

"And you couldn't have waited?"

"You do the exact same thing. You just did it a few days ago on the Berg,"He pointed out.

"Nope. That never happened,"I denied.

"I recall no such thing."

"You think I wouldn't remember a kiss from you? One that you actually started? How could I just forget that?"

"By not remembering,"I answered.

"Listen here, smart-"
"No,"I interrupted.


"Because I don't want to,"I said in a duh tone.

"Yeah, but you totally would have listened a few seconds ago,"He drew out, giving a dramatic sigh.

"Well maybe I just don't like you,"I suggested.

"You say that now, but you're still going to let me lay on you tonight."

"Or will I?"

"Yes you will,"He said firmly.

"You can't make me,"I pointed out.

"Oh, I can't?"

"No. You can't."

"You're sure?"


"Are you sure you're sure?"

"Yes, Aris,"I rolled my eyes. Before I could even blink he pulled me closer to him and laid me next to him. I was frantically trying to get out of his hold which was proving to be harder than I thought.

"Are you sure?"He asked again.

"Aris, you cocky motherfucker. Let me go,"I demanded.

"You can't make me,"He mocked.

"Listen here, you dumbass-"
"I don't want to."

"You're an idiot,"I insulted, still struggling.

"Aww. Your love language of being mean."

"You're an absolute-"
"Just give in,"He recommended.

"No, you."

"I'm not the one trapped right now."

"Yeah? Well you're about to be the one with a broken nose,"I threatened, trying to wiggle my way out of his grip. He was completely unaffected as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders so his hold could be even tighter, as if he needed that.

"You've done that already. Twice,"He reminded me.

"And I swear I'll do it again."

"You would nev-"
"Hey shanks. It's dinner time,"Frypan called, knocking on the door. "I would just walk in, but I favor my eyesight,"He added before we even replied.

"We'll be right there,"Aris still yelled back. Almost instantly, he released me and headed off either to the kitchen or to get the others.

"It looks like you won,"He remarked when we couldn't hear Fry's footsteps anymore.

"Yeah. Thanks to someone else, you clingy dunce,"I scowled, fixing my hair as he let go of me.

"I love you too. Now, off we go,"He announced, walking out the door. I rolled my eyes yet again at his dorkiness as a small smile crossed my lips.

"Yeah. I love you,"I whispered when he couldn't hear.

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