44) At The Graveyard

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Aris’s P.O.V

As the ride went on the road only got bumpier. While the bandages made it tolerable they weren't a solution. Just a temporary helper.

Sometime during the drive after Teresa and Fry were put in, Minho had squeezed himself back here too, still glancing over at Y/N like a kid with a crush. She didn't notice though, but to be fair if I wasn't just trying to think about anything but what was happening neither would I.

While I obviously hate getting beaten up, I like the way she held me when I accidentally showed a little bit of pain. At this point, that's the only thing keeping me going.

She's the only thing keeping me going.

Your P.O.V

As we were huddled together, with me keeping my hands on Aris's torso to help keep him from moving when the car seemed to be going over rubble, I kept wondering what exactly I was supposed to expect. Something promising? Something just horrifying? Something that would scar me? So many questions but no answers.

“I don't think any amount of knowledge could make this less scary,”He mumbled.

“I know,”I said just slightly louder than a whisper so that he could hear it over other quiet voices.

“If something does happen, if the story changes, just know that I’m sorry you came back for nothing. I’m sorry if I can't do enough to protect you, but I’ll always love you. I’ll love you today, I'll love you tomorrow, I hope that I get to love you after that. You mean everything.”

“You're going to make it out,”I promised.

“The question is will I make it out alive.”

“That still isn't funny,”I said firmly.

“Sorry. Just trying to be positive in the back of this random truck. It’s a new experience for all of us. Just not as fun as I dreamed about,”He shrugged, making me smile against my will. “There it is. There's that pretty grin,”He teased.

“This really isn't a time to smile.”

“I mean I’m not smiling. I’m looking at yours,”He continued before wincing as we moved again. Holding his stomach just a little tighter without hurting him, I mumbled an apology. “It's okay. You're helping more than you know.”

“It's still not much.”

“Maybe not, but it's something,”He whispered.

“I just wish it was more.”

“Right now, it's everything. It's all I have. You're all I really have.”

I love you. I will always love you, my love.

Three loves? How’d I get so lucky?

“Shut up, you dork,”I smiled.

“I can't believe it. I’m injured, and you're still being mean,”He sighed.

“What? You want me to kiss it better or something?”

What if my lips need to be kissed better?

“Your recently bloodied lips? I’m good.”

“That is not the hopeless romantic I know,”He complained.

“You just got beaten up. I’m not going to risk hurting you.”

“I don't know. I think I’m already pretty hurt.”

“I’m not kissing you.”

Before the words could leave his mouth the car just stopped. Knowing what that meant, I stayed against him as I held my breath. Burying my face in the crook of his neck, I attempted to calm my racing heart as he wrapped his arms around me.

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