38) No Shame

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Opening my eyes, I found myself wrapped in his arms. Raising my head, I just looked at him, still completely asleep.

“I’ll never really tell you, but I like waking up before you. Because I can say all the things I don't know how to when you're awake. That, and you look so peaceful when you actually sleep, and I like that. I like it when you're actually okay,”I whispered, listening to his heartbeat. Every time I hear it, I find my favorite melody all over again. No music could compare to the sound of knowing that he's alive and here.

Grabbing his hand, I realized he was clutching something. Slowly prying it from his fingers, I managed to get a hold of it.

Of the small wooden heart that I had given him.

“You do like it, huh?”I asked, handing it back and watching the way he readjusted it back in his grip. “That's my best work. It's not the most complex or biggest, but it means a lot to you so it’s the most rewarding piece I’ve ever made. So thank you for loving it. Thank you for looking after my heart,”I whispered, closing my eyes and resting my head back on his chest. Tracing hearts on one of his arms, I enjoyed the silence until he wrapped his free arm around me.

“You're so sweet when you wake up,”He mumbled, kissing my temple. Still making shapes on his skin, I just started speaking whatever my mind wanted me to.

“Even though I always thought that I would, even though I would with anyone else, I have no shame in being yours,”I swore.

“Really?”He asked in a tone that made me suspicious.

“Really,”I confirmed anyway.

“Prove it,”He dared. Not letting the flirting throw my off for once, I held his face and got painfully close, to the point where I could hear his heart beat faster. Teasingly almost brushing my lips against his, I watched him close his eyes in anticipation as I almost kissed him.

Pulling back like it was nothing, I saw his face drop with disappointment.

“I’m going to get in the shower,”I shrugged.

“You can’t do that,”He complained.

“Can’t do what?”I asked, wearing the most innocent smile I was capable of.

“Y/N, you can't just not kiss me after that,”He argued, getting out of bed.

“After what?”I questioned, giving him am exasperated look of concern as I grabbed my clothes for the day.

“I don't know what you're talking about,”I shrugged, turning around only to feel him lightly grab my wrists and spin me around, trapping me between the wall and him, leaving me speechless.

“Cat got your tongue?”He teased.

“You don't make me nervous,”I got out when I found my voice.



“But I make you flustered, don't I?”

“No. You don't,”I repeated.

“You’re such a liar,”He (rightfully) accused, leaning closer to me. Losing my voice again, I just stared at him as my mind blanked. “It’s probably your biggest flaw, but it's also sometimes your best one.”

“I don't have flaws,”I scoffed.

“But you do,”He shrugged, almost pressing his lips against mine, “but I also adore every single one. If it's part of you, it's worth loving.”

“Fuck you,”I said quickly as my face heated up from his words.

“There's the adorable deflecting.”

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