16) Your Love

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Aris's P.O.V

"I love you, Aris. I love you,"She whispered when she thought I couldn't hear. To be honest I was so tired that the words barely registered in my brain. Despite that I knew what she had said, and I knew that I would remember it forever.


"Don't say that,"I repeated. It didn't reply as it kept its cold stare. Even though that was all it was doing (right now) I had my eyes shut as I hid in the corner of the room. Leave. I just wanted it to leave so I knew what was real and what wasn't. It wouldn't though, because every time I figured something out it twisted itself more. I just wanted to go away. I just wanted to be let out of where I was. All I think I know is that it's somewhere in WICKED. That's the only real thing.


"Leave me alone."

"Aris, you-"

Aris, wake up.

I quickly opened my eyes at the sound of her voice. Looking up, through the dim light by the bed I saw her staring down at me while tracing her fingertips down my arm.

"You're okay,"She coaxed as I took everything in. I barely managed a nod as I remembered where I was. "You're okay my love. You're okay,"She repeated.

"You're real?"I mumbled.

"Yeah. I am,"She promised, not questioning why I was asking. She just held me as I laid on top of her, sort of numb to everything.

"And you won't leave?"

"Aris,"She said softly. I gazed up to see her looking at me with a small frown. "I'm as real as you are,"She whispered, cupping my face. "And you're real, and you're here right now. That means so am I,"She continued.

"We're real,"I nodded, pressing my forehead against hers.

"We are,"She repeated, still not asking about my words. "And we're together,"She breathed out.

"Yeah. Together,"I repeated, closing my eyes and brushing my lips against hers. She gently kissed back, still holding me as I placed my hands around her waist. I just took in the feeling of her lips just be extra sure that it was her.

And it is. I'm certain if it this time.

Before anything could get too heated, before my feelings would make me do something that I couldn't take back, I pulled away. Taking a breath as I opened my eyes, I took in every detail of her just to be extra safe. I took note of exactly where her hair fell and the precise shade. Every tiny mark that could be found in her Y/S/C skin. The shape of her eyes and every color in them. I made sure that every little perfect imperfect on her was burned into my mind. Just in case.



"Do you want to talk about it?"She offered.

"No,"I answered, placing my head back in the crook of her neck where I knew I was safe. I heard her sigh as she rubbed calming circles on my shoulder. "I'm sorry,"I mumbled, feeling a tear drip down my cheek.

"You didn't do anything wrong, my love,"She whispered. My heart skipped a beat at the little nickname she gave me.

"Have you ever called anyone else that?"I wondered.

"My love?"She clarified.


"Well,"She hesitated. "No. It's just for you. That's your thing now from me,"She quietly admitted. "If you don't want me to call you that then-"
"I want you to call me that. It sounds nice when you say it,"I sighed.

"Okay, my love."

"I finally got a little nickname,"I grinned.

"Yeah. You did,"She agreed, giving a small laugh.

"My nickname from my pretty girl,"I whispered.

"Your girl,"She recited as her breathing slowed.

"Your love,"I murmured, allowing mine to do the same.

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