11) Walls

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A/N: There's no smut, but this chapter is more heated than I usually make.

As always night fell. Seeing as none of us really wanted to sleep though I was explaining more city stuff with everyone listening intently. With me being in the middle of a half circle, it almost felt like I was teaching a kindergarten class. Except, the youngest person was around fourteen, and I'm a seventeen year old girl. Then, there's the fact that what I'm teaching will literally be used to save our lives. No offense to kindergarten teachers, but my ABC's are not going to help me survive an apocalyptic world.

"Just remember that this world is more advanced though. It has the things I described, but there will probably be more,"I warned.

"But it still has-"
"If you say one more thing about food I am going to throw you off if this Berg,"I interrupted. Frypan instantly put his hand down and mumbled something I couldn't understand.

"No killing people today,"Harriet sighed.

"Thank you,"He exasperated.

"This Gally guy wouldn't talk to us without him,"She added.

"And I am done yet again. First, you cheat in Uno-"
"Or maybe you just suck at it?"Sonya suggested.

"Y/N threatens to throw me off of the Berg-"
"Bold of you to assume it's threat."

"And yeah. That's all I got right now,"He admitted.

"It's alright Fry. You did your best,"Sonya fake soothed.

"I hate all of you shanks,"He grumbled, walking out.

"See you when dinner comes,"Aris called.

"I really, really hate all of you,"He shouted from the other room.

"No you don't,"Teresa disagreed.

He didn't say anything back time. Done with whatever that was, we all stood up to go find something to do. Without needing to think about it, I grabbed my bag and headed out into the hall. After the first turn I plopped down by a window and pulled out my carving.

Leaving so fast?

I had been so convinced I was alone that his voice startled me for once. In that second of surprise my thumb slipped over the blade. Instantly wincing at the pain, I looked to see little drops of blood bubbling on my finger.

"Good going genius,"I mumbled, going to dig through my bag. Before I could he was right next to me and had the bandages pulled out.

"I'm sorry,"He apologized in a soft voice.

"You're fine Aris. It's barely even a scratch,"I assured him, taking nothing but a tissue to wipe the blood off. Before I could he took a disinfectant from the bag and wiped it off for me. He also seemed to naturally tune out my protests.

"I need to know that you're okay so I've got it,"He repeated.

"You don't have to-"
Just let me take care of you for once.

You don't need to though.

But I want to.

Do you actually?


"Yeah. Sure you do,"I scoffed.

"Good to see you agree,"He shrugged, ignoring the clear sarcasm lacing my voice. "Wasn't that proven when I stitched you up?"He added.

"Yeah. That was really helpful for five days."

He didn't say anything back as he wrapped a bandaid around my finger. Despite him not looking me in the eye I saw his face drop. Instant regret coursed through me at the words.

"I'm sorry,"I mumbled.

"It's fine,"He practically whispered.

"Is it actually?"

"Yeah. Yeah. It's whatever. It's over now, isn't it?"

"I'm gonna go and let you get back to what you were doing."
"I'll see you in a bit. Probably in-"
Aris Jones!

"Thanks for screaming. Appreciate it,"He murmered.

You listen more this way. Now I'm sorry I got defensive, okay? I didn't think before I brought that up. I just sort of acted.

Why are you so defensive?

"Because you care about me,"I admitted. "You care about me, and I'm just not used to that. I'm always on edge when someone tries to show love because they've always expected something back. It doesn't make it okay, but it's all I have."

"So you still have more walls up?"He asked softly.

"Yeah. A few."

"I'm going to break them down,"He said firmly.

"Do you actually want to do that? There's a lot you don't know,"I warned.

"Then, there's a lot I will know. I'm going to love you Y/N. No matter what you say or do I'll love you."

"Until death do us part?"I guessed.

"No. Until forever and forever,"He whispered.

"That's a pretty big promise."

"And? I'm going to keep it. I'm not letting you go this time. You're not leaving me."

"I wasn't planning on it,"I swore.

"Don't run this time. Don't run from me,"He whispered, cupping my cheeks so I was looking at his eyes. My breath hitched in my throat as he slowly leaned in. We stayed that way as if seeing who would give in to temptation first.

Me. It was me as I crashed my lips against his. We fit together perfectly as we moved in synch.

Him. It was him that broke as he impatiently deepened it. I was almost suffocating in the feeling of his lips in mine, and I would gladly do so until the end of time if I could.

"My pretty girl,"He breathed out as he pulled away. Before I could comprehend it his lips were on my collarbone. Losing all senses, I let out a blissful sigh as he attacked my neck, and I absolutely let him as I threw my head to the side, giving him complete access. Access that he took full advantage of as he gently bit down. Only then did the thought of hickeys cross my mind.

"Aris,"I whispered.

"Yeah?"He mumbled against my skin.

"You're gonna leave marks,"I pointed out.

"Good. That's what I want,"He confessed, his lips traveling to my jaw.

"You need to stop,"I directed.

This time he did what I said as he pulled away. When I saw his cocky grin I just knew.

"How bad are they?"I asked nervously.

"I mean I like them,"He shrugged, running his fingers over them.

"Of course you do you idiot. You gave them to me."

"Yeah. That's why I like them,"He said in a duh tone.

"You're really something Aris. Just find something to help me cover them."

"I don't want to though."

"So what? I'm just supposed to go into the room covered in hickeys?"


"Aris. Just help me cover these."

"Why? They look nice on you."

"You wouldn't be saying that if they were on you."

"I would show them off."

"I'm dating an idiot. Go find something before I stab you,"I threatened.

"Fine. I guess I can do something,"He dramatically sighed as he walked in the other room to hopefully find something. Only when he was out of sight did I allow the inevitable smile to cross my face.

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