27) Back To Him

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Coming back, I just stayed still with my hand on the doorknob. I so desperately didn't want to confront the problem. I didn't want to argue with him, ever, but especially not when things had been more than good. I just wanted to know more, and I didn't think that he would wake up while I was gone.

Running through it in my head though, I knew that there wasn't another option. With my heart racing, I slowly opened the door and slipped in. Then, like it had been before I left, I locked it.

As I kept staring at it while trying to figure out the right thing to say, the light’s turned on. Knowing that there wasn't another choice, I hesitantly turned to face him.

I’m not going to sugarcoat it. He looked awful. With red eyes, puffy cheeks, and him sitting on the bed, glaring at me, with his arms crossed, he looked really bad.

“You definitely stayed like you said you would. It's really nice that you know how to keep your word,”He scowled.

“Just stop. I don't want to see you right now,”He mumbled.

“We share a room. How are you going to do that?”I pointed out. Ignoring my presence, he climbed the ladder to the top bunk.

“Don’t talk to me,”He demanded.

“Listen, my love-”
“Don't call me that. Don't call me anything,”He repeated, turning over. Staring at him for a moment, I took slow steps towards the bed. Standing still, I thought about what to do.

“Aris, I'm sorry,”I tried again. He didn't respond as he pulled the covers up. I honestly thought about just climbing the ladder to, I don't even know, apologize again. Maybe hold him.

As he curled himself further against the wall I decided against it. Just for now.

Climbing on to the bottom bunk, I grabbed my supplies. Moving my knife over the wood, I tried to get lost in this. Just for now. Just to distract myself.

Not that it was really possible. Everything comes back to him now, even when I don't want it to.

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