Chapter 1 - Birdie

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Standing at the till scanning customers items through can be so tedious, but working in this little corner shop does have its perks sometimes.

I lean over to Anna, my best friend and the girl working on the till next to me.

'He's back. That's the second time today' I tell her.

'Who, Xander?' She asks as she scans the shop with her eyes before spotting him.

'He definitely has the hots for you, Birdie. Maybe this time he'll actually ask you out?'

I laugh a little out loud.

'Yeah, sure'.

I love Annas confidence. This stuff comes so easy to her. She's never had a problem attracting guys. She stunning and has a body to die for. Long brown, flowing hair that looks like she's just walked out of a salon, long fluttering eyelashes and plump full lips. When we first met I thought she must of spent hours getting ready in the mornings. But I've slept over at her place countless times after going out clubbing and annoyingly she has woken up looking this good everytime. Evvvveerryyyytime!

Me on the other hand, I'm a lot shorter than Anna. I'm definitely not as naturally pretty as Anna, so I have to work twice as hard to looks half as good when I'm with her. The two things I do have going for me is:

1) My impressive cleavage, so I definitely use that to my advantage when I can.

2) My bright blue eyes

'Maybe he's here for you?' I suggest

'Yeah? Then why is he staring at you?' she chimes back.

I turn quickly to look, before I can stop myself and end up locking eyes with him. I quickly look away feeling my cheeks get hot and I just know I've turned a beetroot red. 

'I don't get it though. He could have his pick of the girls, what could he possibly want from me?' I ask, feeling a little deflated.

'You don't give yourself enough credit. You're beautiful Birdie. I wish you could see what we can all see' Anna reassures me. 'He'd be lucky to have you'

'I dunno. Have you seen him?'

Xander is this beautiful guy who lives a few houses down from my shop. He's tall, blonde and has such a nice smile. I don't think I'd be exaggerating by comparing him to the guy from that 50 shades of grey film, but somehow more attractive. I've been working in this shop for a couple of months now and I pretty much see him everyday. He's the part of the day I look forward too the most. I gaze at him when I know he's topped looking our way. The florescent light of the shop shining on him from above makes him look so angelic as he scours the stationary isle.

Xander starts walking up to the till when Anna turns to me and pumps her eyebrows at me. I really hope that Xander didn't just see that.

'I'm just going to grab that tthhhhiiiing from out the back' Anna says loud enough for Xander to hear. As she walks off she turns her head to me and licks her lips before slipping out the back door.

Oh my god she can be so embarrassing sometimes.

'Hey, Birdie' Xander says when he reaches the till.

'Hi' I reply. 'Back again?'

'Yeah, I forgot these'

He hands over a pack of envelops and smiles at me. Oh that smile. My eyes linger on his lips.

He coughs and I realise I'm completely frozen in place, staring right at him.

I blush and scan the envelops, trying not to look back up at him.

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