Chapter 23 - Before

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A couple days have passed and Xander hasn't tried to touch me since I fought him off. He hasn't even tried talking to me. He brings me food and then leaves. That is, until today.

He strolls in the room and smiles at me. I just stare back. What is he playing at? He has something in the palm of his hand that he drops down onto the bed, in my lap. It's photos that he's taken. 

'What's this?' I ask in a flat tone.

'They're you'

I look at the photos he's thrown at me. They're photo of other girls.

'They're not me'

'Not literally. But they've all been where you now are.'

I pick the photos up in my hands and look at them properly. I feel for all these girls. I know exactly what they've been through. How scared they are. Unsure of what is going to happen.

'This one is my favourite.' he tells me, plucking one of the photos out of my hand. 

'This is Hannah, She was my first. We were 18 and happy. I remember the way she smiled and the way she smelt of apples. We had been together for 5 months. Then she tried to leave me. Can you believe that. I couldn't let that happen. Not after my parent had already abandoned me. I mean, who does... did she think she was?' He says, staring at the picture. 

I don't respond to him. I just watch as he stares into the photo, like he's reliving his past.

'Then there was Valerie.' He points to the photo in my hand. 'She reminded me of my mother. Which in hind sight was probably the reason she didn't stay around long. I couldn't stand looking at her after a while. Third was Lib.  You kind of remind me of her. A tease. After that was Cassie, a petite, little thing.' He smiles to himself. 'And now there is you.'

'What happened to them?' I ask, not sure if I want to know the truth.

'The same thing that always happens.' He deadpans to me. 'They stop loving me and I had to teach them all a lesson.'

'And your parents?' I ask

'They left me behind. My mum used to love driving down the coast and my dad would take her most weekends. One weekend a drunk driver collided into their car whist they were driving home. Their car spun out and went over a bridge into some water. They drowned. I sat and waited for them for hours before I realise they were never coming home. I was 14. I loved my mum. I knew it was all my dads fault. I knew she would never leave me' He sobs, with a single tear falling down his cheek.

There's a pang in my chest. As much as I hate xander for what he's done to me I still felt sorry for that 14 year old boy.

'I'm sorry' I say to him.

His head shoots up, as he glares at me.

'I don't need your pity' He shouts

'That's not wha...'

Then he strikes me across the face with the back of his hand.

'Next time I wont be so forgiving.' He states before gathering his photos and leaving.

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