Chapter 42 - Morning

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The next morning I wake up in Wes' arms. This is my place. This is home. I lay there and breathe in the smell of mint shower gel and sex relaxing back into his chest, moaning in delight.

I feel Wes shift against me and tighten his grip as he nuzzles into my hair.

'Morning' He says

I look up to him and smile 'Morning to you too'

I feel him try and move out from underneath me, so I wrap one of my legs around his, stopping him.

'Where do you think  you're going?' I ask

'We should probably talk' he says with a serious look on his face.

I don't like where this conversation is going, so I try to keep it playful as I climb up on top of him, straddling him.

'I have something else in mine' I tease as I look down at him, neither of us wearing any clothes.

His hands move to my hips as I trace my fingers over his chest, following the lines of his tattoos, down towards his abs. I feel him try to shift and hide the fact he's getting hard underneath me, but I pin him between my legs and start to rock myself back and forth against him in a slow motion.

One of his hands moves from my hips to my arse, allowing me to rock against him as he lets out a growl.

'God B you feel so good. But we really do need to talk' He says looking up at me with a dark desire in his eyes.

I lean forward, whilst continuing my movements. 'What do you want to talk about?' I ask innocently

Wes grabs hold of my hips again, stopping me from moving against him.

'That guy you were with  last night...' He starts. He quickly pauses as if he doesn't know how to finish his sentence or maybe he doesn't want to know in case he hears something he doesn't want to.

'I'm not seeing him' I say 'He's a family member of one of the girls' I continue. 'Nothing has happened. I haven't wanted to do anything with anyone other then you. When I thought slept with that girl my world was turned upside down. I know we haven't been seeing each other for that long, but I felt my world shatter.'

Confessing my feelings seems to have been what he wanted to hear as he rolls us over on the bed and smashes his mouth to the side of my neck, kissing and biting and he works one of his hands between my thighs, slipping his fingers into my already wet opening.

I let out a little moan from the feel of his fingers sliding into me. He slowly pumps his fingers, massaging me from inside. I roll my hips towards him wanting more.

'Do you like this? Do you like it when I do this to you?' he breathes into my ear.

I  push my head back into the pillow and arch my back as he pushes his fingers further into me, before he starts to slide down the bed until I can feel his breath against my clit. He places little delicate kisses there, quickly getting firmer until his tongue crashes against me.

I pull my hand to the back of his head, pressing him against me as I start to come undone.

When the tingling running through my body begins to fade Wes jumps off of the bed and walks over to his bag, before digging out clothes for the day.

'What are you doing?' I ask in confusion

'I want to get back B. I've got a surprise for you' he says, smiling at me. 'So get dressed before I have to come over there and drag you out of that bed' he finishes, winking at me.

I Pout my lips out at him.

'You're no fun' I retort, just as he leaves the room and goes downstairs.

I roll over in the bed and look at the ceiling. I don't want to leave. I want us to stay in this little bubble forever, but I have been gone too long. Maybe it's time for me to return to some normality. Back to reality.

I pull myself from the comfort of the bed and drag myself into the bathroom for a quick shower before getting dressed. About an hour later I wonder downstairs to find Wes. I hear a clatter come from the kitchen and walk in there to find a cooked breakfast waiting for me on the table and Wes with his back to me, at the sink, washing up.

I slide into a chair and dig into my breakfast, devouring the eggs first and then the bacon, before Wes comes and sits down next to me. He watches me finish my food whilst we talk about nothing in particular.

'Something wrong with the way I made you're coffee this morning' he jokes, nudging the cup closer to me.

'No... I'm just trying to cut back on my caffeine in take' I lie.

I know I need to tell him I'm pregnant, but there hasn't really been much of an opportunity since he showed up. I'll tell him. I'll tell him today.

'Before we head home, Can we go for a walk along the beach. There's something I need to tell you'

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