Chapter 29 - Final Breath

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**Wes POV**

As I lay there I close my eyes and picture B. I see her smile and wish I could kiss her lips one more time.

'Was it worth it?' he asks me. With a sinister grin plastered on his face

'Every time' I think to myself

'You know, she begged when I fucked her right there on that mattress' he taunts, pointing to the filthy, dank heap on the floor.

'But don't worry, she definitely got more into it near the end. She felt so good underneath me. I cant wait to fuck her again, next time I miig...'

I feel a spray over my face and the pressure lift from my neck. I gasp for air and roll out from underneath him. I cough as I stand, turning around to see what happened. Xander is on his knees holding his throat, red spurting out through his fingers. His eyes are wide and I can see fear in them. I look up from him. Standing there behind him is B, Holding a shard of ceramic in her hand, with blood dripping from the sharp edge.

'There isn't going to be a next time' B Cries out.

Xander slumps forward and then collapses onto the floor, a pool of bright red blood sprawling out across the grey concrete ground.

I launch myself forward, unsteadily striding over to Birdie. She stands there and looks down at Xander, still holding onto the shard in her hand.

'B, are you OK?' I ask

She looks pale, almost ghost like. There are marks and bruises all over the parts of her body I can see. What has he done to her?

She says nothing back to me, not taking her eyes of him. The room is quiet until Xander starts choking on his own blood. He inhales his last breath and then there's nothing. His body goes limp on the floor which is when she turns to me.

'I don't feel too good' she tells me, before her legs give way, falling into my arms.

I lower her to the floor, still holding her in my arms.

'B.'I shout at her. 'B' I cry, shaking her arm. She stirs in my arms, but doesn't wake up. I reach for my phone in my back pocket. The screen is cracked from me landing on it earlier, but it still works. I frantically hit 999.

When the phone stops ringing I hear a voice at the other end. I shout for help 'I NEED AN ABULANCE, SHE'S COLLAPSED' The calmness of the operator voice annoys me. It feels like they doesn't appreciate the gravity of the situation. I bark the address down the phone and tell her to hurry. The Women down the other end tries to ask me some more questions, but I hang up the phone, giving all my attention to the women in my arms.

I hold onto B tight, rocking her back and forth.

'Please be OK' I prey 'I never got a chance to tell you B.' I move my face to her hair and breathe in her scent. 'I love you'

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