Chapter 3 - The Date

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The week seems to have dragged on and I'm so excited when it finally gets to Friday. After my trip to town, I facetimed Anna and got her to choose my dress. She preferred the pink one on me and it's something I could wear to a restaurant and then out to town after, so I take her advice and slip the tight dress on over my body. I spend a little over an hour getting ready, doing my hair and make up. I lean more to the natural make up look so it doesn't distract from my bright blue eyes. I go for a half up, Half down hairstyle which I lightly curl to give me some natural looking waves. Then pick out a pair of silver heels to match my jewellery. I look at myself in the mirror and nod in approval.

I get a taxi into town from my place and it drops me off just outside the restaurant. I see Xander waiting outside for me and I feel those butterflies again. I head over to him.

'Hey' I say

'Hey there yourself. You look great'

'Thanks' I say with the biggest smile on my face. 'Should we head inside?'

He nods his head and opens the door for me. Such a gentlemen.

The restaurant, a quaint little Italian, is a cosy and intimate place. Perfect for a date. A bar runs down the front of the restaurant, you follow the bar around to the side and find a nest of tables spread out, ideal for private conversations. The décor is very rustic and reminds me of villa we used to go to in Tuscany on holiday, Which is probably why I love it here so much. we sit down at a table near the window and look through the menu. We talk about what looks good and what we'll order. The waitress comes over with some drinks and asks if we're ready to order. 

'I'll have the risotto, please' I say to her

'Lovely, risotto for you' she turns to Xander ' and you sir'

'I'll have the sea bass thanks'

'Great choice' says the waitress and walks away.

I look at Xander and I'm pretty sure I saw him checking out the waitress, but I shake it off. Why would he ask me out if he wasn't interested in me?

'I like this place' I tell him 'Its one of my favourites. Have you been here before?'

'Yeah, I've been here a few times. I mostly order the food for home delivery. I'm not much of a cook'

He tells me some wild stories about his mishaps with cooking, including when he set his kitchen curtains alight and we both sit and laugh.

Our food arrives and whilst we eat we carry on talking about anything and everything that pops into our heads. I'm having a really great time and after we've devoured our dinner we order an ice cream sundae with two spoons. Our dessert arrives and its huge! Whipped cream and chocolate sauce piled on top with a cherry placed like the star on a Christmas tree.

'Do you want to see my party trick' I say to Xander

'Oh I'm intrigued, Yes please'

I pluck the cherry off the top of the sundae and take the stalk off. I place the straight stalk in my mouth and work my magic. In a few short seconds I pull the stem out of my mouth and in the middle of the stem lays a knot. Xanders eyes open wide.

'Wow, I'm amazed. That's an impressive talent. I wonder what else you can do with that mouth' he says with a wicked grin plastered across his face.

I blush. I have no idea what to say to that comment, I usually keep stuff like that to myself, but I take it as a compliment and we sit and grin at each other whilst we finish the ice cream.

I look at my watch and its only just turned 9. I text Anna to find out where she is. After a couple of minute my phone vibrates, it's her. I'm not surprised to see she's still at home. Anna has always taken the 'fashionably late' approach to life.

Knowing I still have at least an extra half hour before everyone meets, I muster some courage and say to Xander 'I think we have time for a quick drink before we have to meet everyone, did you want to order some cocktails?'

'Yeah that sounds good. What did you want and I'll go to the bar and grab them'

'I'll have a strawberry daiquiri please'

'Your wish is my command' he says before disappearing to go and get our drinks.

A few minutes go by and Xander hasn't returned with our drink yet. I get up from the table and poke my head around the corner to see him standing at the bar talking to the waitress who took our order earlier. I can't tell what they're talking about, but she gives him a folded up piece of paper that he puts into his jacket pocket. He smiles at her and grabs our drinks from the bar then starts walking my way. I race back to my seat and sit down, pretending I was watching the passers by out the large window. He sets the drinks down on the table.

'Sorry I took so long, the service is slow here. How about we go to the club and get a drink in there after these?'

'Yeah, that sounds good to me'

I take a sip from my drink and look out the window just in time to see Wes walk past with his arm draped over a different girl to the one I saw him with earlier on in the week. I roll my eyes which he definitely catches causing him to smile that cocky smile at me as they walk passed the window. Just before he escapes my vision he blows me a kiss.

'Ex?' Xander asks

I turn back to look at him 'What?'

'Is that guy an ex or something?'

'God no' I reply 'Just someone I have the misfortune of knowing.'

He doesn't ask anymore questions about it. When we finish our drinks Xander asks for the bill from a waiter that walks passed our table and volunteers to pay for the both of us. I offer to pay for half, but he holds his hand up to stop me.

'What sort of date would this be if I didn't do the gentlemanly thing by paying for you?'

'Well if you insist, how can a girl say no?' I smile at him whilst he pays the bill.

After that we grab our stuff and head for the door. We walk outside into the crisp air and I chastise myself for not bringing a jacket or something to wear. I rub my arms to try and fight off the chill which Xander seems to notice.

'Here, have my jacket. I've got a shirt on underneath so I don't really need it'

He takes his jacket off and hands it over to me. I thank him and rush to put it on in an effort to warm myself up.

'Right, where are we meeting everyone then?'

'Just down the road at Saltys' I reply

'Oh great, I love that club. That's the one with the nice secluded booths that you can get up to all sorts in'

I'm not sure where he's going with that comment, as my idea of a good time doesn't include hooking up with a room full of people watching, but I choose to ignore the comment and lead the way.

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