Chapter 6 - After

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When I get home I send a text to Anna and Katie letting them know I've made it home in one piece.

Anna texts me back straight away and asks what happened to me last night. I reply to her that I'll explain everything Monday, when I see her at work. I just want to have a bath and wash off everything that happened last night.

I go into the bathroom and start running the bath. Then walk into my bedroom, taking off the clothing Wes lent me. I fold them up and place them on my bed. I walk back into the bathroom, pour some bubble bath into the tub and watch as the bubbles start to cover the top of the water. I run my fingers along the top, finding it the perfect temperature for me. I slip into the water and submerge myself under the warm liquid. I pull my head back out of the water and with the scent of coconut filling the air I slip into a relaxed state, slowly drifting off...

I dream of being back in the bar with Xanders hands running all over my body. I'm sucked right back into horror of what happened last night, fighting him off with no one around to help. Then all of a sudden I'm somewhere else. I'm in Wes's bed. Warm and cosy. I feel safe. He's there next to me. He leans in and whispers into my ear.

'You're safe now. I'll never let him touch you again'

Wes lays so close to me in the bed and I feel his hand on my waist. He pulls me close to him.

'What are you doing' I say to him in a hazy voice

'Whatever you want me to do to you, this is your dream'

'Why would I dream about you?' I ask him

He leans in, his mouth just an inch away from mine and he says in a deep and seductive why

'You tell me, B'

I wake with a start. Splashing water over the edge of the tub.

'What the hell was that?' I say to myself 'I'm just tired, That's all'

I wash my body and then  move to my hair, running my fingers through the soapy lather. After  rinsing the soap away I climb out of the bath and grab a towel off the radiator. I wrap it around myself and walk into my bedroom. I find some comfortable clothes from my wardrobe and walk over to my dresser for underwear. Walking passed the window I see something out the corner of my eye causing me to pause. I turn, but there's nothing there. I shake my head and carry on getting dressed.

'Get a grip girl, you're so jumpy today'

When I finish getting dressed I go to my living room and set up in front of the TV for the day. I flick through some channels until I find something I can binge all day, hoping it will take my mind off of Xander.

My phone pings and I grab it off the sofa seat next to me. I look down and see a facebook message from Wes.

'Hey, Just checking you made it home OK after you practically ran out of my flat earlier.'

My mind runs back to the dream I had in the bath.

I message him back. 'There was no running, thank you. But I am home. Think I'll stay in for the rest of the weekend now.'

He replies with in seconds 'I'm definitely going to have to disagree there. But I'm glad you're OK. Maybe I'll see you around soon'

I don't reply. But before I put my phone down I decide to look at that text from Xander. Lets get this over with...

I ready the essay of a text he's sent me. He apologises so many times and tries to explain that he thinks he might have had one too many drinks and that he would never try anything like that again. But I'm not stupid, I ignore the text and decide I don't want anything to do with him. I can't believe I actually liked this guy. I spent months wishing he'd ask me out and now I wish he never had. A tear slips down my cheek.  I wipe it away with the sleeve of my top. I tell myself to get a grip. I'm not going to cry over this dickhead. I'm not!

The evening rolls on  and I feel so tired. Its early when I decide to go to bed. 8 maybe?

I climb the stairs and walk over to the window in my bedroom to close the curtains. Its dark out, but I can see something on the street below. Its the silhouette of a person. They're just standing there, in the street, outside my window. I shut the curtains quickly and sink to the floor in a panic. I wasn't imagining things earlier, there was some one there. I suddenly realise I haven't locked the front door. I race to the door and twist the lock. Breathing loudly. I race back to the window and poke my head through the curtain to see if they're still there. The street is empty. I climb into bed and pull the covers up over me and try and calm myself down. After several minutes of complete silence I drift off into a deep sleep.

That night I have a horrible dream.

I dream there's someone outside my window, looking in. It's a hooded figure and I can't see their face. Then they're gone and I can hear someone trying the front door. They're trying to get into my home. I hide under the bed just as the door opens and some one enters my flat. I'm holding my breath as the person goes from room to room slamming doors open and trudging down the hall trying to find me. Tears are running down my face. My bedroom door swings open and I jump as it hits the wall. I'm trying to stay as silent as I can. I watch as someone walks into my room, around the bed I'm hiding under and opens the wardrobe checking in there. They seem to be satisfied I'm not in the room and they start to leave. Just as they get to the door they come rushing back in, bend over next to the bed and pull me out by my ankles. I scream as I'm dragged out from under my bed. I swing my arms around in a poor attempt to try and grab hold of something, but I fail. I dig my nails into the floor as a last resort, only to leave grooves where I'm being dragged away. They flip me over so I'm laying on my back against the hard wood floor. The person straddles me. I try to fight them off. I push my hands at their shoulders and face. The hood falls back from the stranger to reveal Xander hoovering over me. I scream.

I wake up screaming, breathing heavy. Then I start to cry. I lay there for a second just sobbing to myself and after a short while I start to calm down. I listen to the silence of the world around me trying to think of something else other then the person from my nightmare. I try to pull the covers back up over my shoulders and I feel Wes's clothes on the bed. It seems silly, but I pull his hoodie up to my chin. I can smell my protector on the material. I lay there and just breath the sweet, minty scent. I feel myself start to drift back off, hoping for sweeter dreams.

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