Chapter 10 - Sweet dreams

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That night I expect to have nightmares of my attack, but that's not the case.

I dream about Wes. The dream starts off with us watching TV on his sofa. I'm sat at one end of the couch and he's sat down the other with our feet in the middle. He grabs hold of one of my feet and starts to rub it, releasing some of the tension in my body.

'hhmmm, that's amazing' I close my eyes and my head leans back against the sofa cushion.

His hands continue caressing my foot, before he starts to work his way up my leg, to my calf. Wes moves passed my knee, to my thigh. I open my eyes to watch him. His eyes fixed on mine. He stops in the middle of my thigh as if he's waiting for permission. I don't stop him and as his hand slides further up my leg, my breathing quickens. He's out of his sitting position, slowly crawling up the sofa with the advance of his fingers moving up my thigh. He brushes the material of my leggings between my legs but then his hand carries on upward towards my waist and stops there. He continues moving his body up the sofa until he's hoovering over the top of me. His eyes have turned dark with desire and he leans into me. His lips are a whisper away from mine. The smell of his mint shower gel is so strong and all I want is for him to take me. I can feel the heat building. I bring my arms up and wrap them around his neck. I pull him into a kiss starting out slow, but deepening quickly. He pushes his tongue into my mouth and I reciprocate. Our pace quickens and I feel his hand on my waist move to the top of my leggings and work their way under the material. I thrust my hips at him to let him know I want this. His finger trace the outside of my underwear and move down between my legs. Wes runs his finger down my centre and smirks.

'Your so wet, B'

'Ah, don't tease me Wes. I've waited long enough' I beg

When his hand is between my legs he moves my panties to the side and runs his thumb along my clit. Whilst he does this he brings two fingers to my opening and slowly pushes them in, causing me to moan out load.

I move one of my hands down to his shorts and grasp his cock, rubbing him from the outside of his shorts. I can feel him get hard underneath my hand and it brings me pleasure. I pull my hand back and find the rim of his shorts and push my hand under his the loose fabric and into his boxers. I clasp my hand back around his hard member and start to move my hand up and down, getting faster and faster. He growls into my mouth.

'Fucking hell B'

His fingers pulse away inside me and I writhe with excitement.

'Wes' I scream 'Yes, just like that'

I buck my hips in encouragement while he torments me with his touch. Then he pulls his hand from my leggings, lifts up to his knees and uses both his hands to pull at my leggings. He tugs them down my legs and throws them to the floor. He pulls his shorts and boxers down, moves my panties to the side and lowers himself back down on me. He readies himself at my entrance...


I slowly drift out of my sleep at the worst time. That dream was just starting to get good.

'What were you dreaming about?' Wes asks

I open my eyes to find myself still locked in his embrace. He has a wicked grin on his face.

I bury my face in his chest.

'Come on B, It sounded pretty good'

'I don't know, I can't remember' I lie.

'That's a shame, it sounded like you were really enjoying yourself. I'm pretty sure I heard my name once or twice...'

I move to punch him in the arm, but I flinch at the pain that shoots up my side.

'Well that settles it. You're staying here today where I can keep an eye on you' he says with a serious look on his face.

'No, I don't want to get in the way, I'll go home' I reply

'How are you supposed to look after yourself like this? You can stay here until you feel better or I'm going home with you. But either way I'm not going anywhere until they catch that bastard'

I chuckle at him and hold my hands up as high as I can get them in a sign of defeat. 'Fine, If it means that much to you, I'll stay'

'Great, Did you want to come out to the living room and I'll sort us out some breakfast and coffee'

'That sounds perfect'

I follow him out into the kitchen and sit at the breakfast bar, holding my side to try and control the pain. I watch him search through his fridge. He turns to me.

'How's omelette?' he asks

'One of my favourites' I respond, smiling

When he's finished cooking and plating up we move to the sofa and devour the breakfast. Wes puts the TV on and we sit there watching the office on Netflix. I look away from the TV to Wes. He's sitting down the other end of the sofa to me. He reaches over the sofa to my foot pulling it onto his lap where he starts to knead his thumbs into the sole. I chuckle to myself.

'What's so funny?' He enquires.

I blush 'Just a bit of de ja vu' I tell him.

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