Chapter 22 - A bad dream

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As I wake, the realisation of where I am kicks in. It wasn't a bad dream. I'm still here in his lair. The room is still pitch black, preventing me from examining my surroundings. I don't know what time it is or if it's even the same day. I just sit and pray that Xander doesn't come back any time soon.

As I lay in the complete darkness I feel my stomach rumble and wonder to myself how long it would take for me to starve to death. What If Xander doesn't come back here and I die like this? like an animal, tied up and left for dead.

Have you ever thought about what you would do if you knew you only had days left to live. Who you'd spend it with. Friends, family or lover? How you would spend it, doing something crazy or live your day like any other? Would you say all the things you never had the courage to say? Would you tell that one special person how you really feel? I'll never get that chance now. He's stolen that from me.

I lay flat on the mattress, staring up into the dark void, when suddenly I hear the door being unlocked.

Xander walks in, flicking the light on and temporarily blinding me. He has a plate of food that I'm happy to see.

'Here.' He says, placing the food at the end of the bed. I don't look up at him as he moves to my binds. 'I'll untie you for now, so you can eat. Don't try anything stupid' he grunts. 

After he's back away from the bed, I slowly lower myself down to the plate of food. I start shoving food into my mouth to try and satisfy my empty stomach. I see a fork on the side of the plate and the second Xander turns to grab a chair from the far wall to sit on I move the fork to my side.

I didn't notice the camera in his hand until I start hearing the click of the button, followed by the brilliant white flash.  It's one of those old fashion polaroid cameras where is spits the photo out as soon as you've taken the picture. He pulls the paper out of the camera and starts fanning it, before glancing down at the imagine.

'You don't know how beautiful you are' He says to me.

He puts the photo in his pocket and continues to take more. I try to look away from him, but that seems to anger him.

'Look at me' He shouts.

I follow his direction and let him take the photos, as I try to hold back the tears. After several flashes of bright white he puts the camera down.

He pulls up the chair not more then a foot away from the bed and leans forward, bringing his hand up to my back, stroking my hair. I flinch at his touch and he sighs.

'It didn't have to be this way you know. If only you just gave me what I wanted. But you're just like all the others. You're a tease Birdie. And I don't like teases. Women who think they can get away with treating a man like that. You need to be taught a lesson. You all do' 

As he talks he wraps my hair around his fist, pulling my locks the more he continues his rant.

'AH, You're hurting me. Please.' I beg

He pulls my face so it's just inches from his.

'That depends if you're going to give me what I want, my pretty Birdie.' He chimes with an evil smile on his face.

The use of my name on his lips makes me feel sick.

'Please' is all I can get out before he forces his lips on me, prying my mouth open with his unyielding tongue. I shake my head and swing my arms, trying to get free. He pushes me back into the bed and tries to climb onto of me, but I pull the fork out from my side and swing the pronged instrument at his leg. 

He shoots up from the bed, grabbing at the fork in his leg. 'Ah, You stupid bitch' He yells

He pulls the fork free and clutches it in his fist. With his other hand he grabs my face, brining it back to him. 

'You're going to regret that' He snarls, before pushes me back down. He grabs my wrists and binds then again before storming out of the room, turning the light off yet again as he goes.

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