Chapter 28 - Run

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** Birdie POV **

He's here. He came for me. 'Wes' I cry out. Then I see Xander standing up behind Wes, staring at Wes as if he were an inconvenient bug that was just about to be stepped on. 'Look out' I shout and point behind him as Xander swings for Wes, just missing him.

Xander looks at me 'Don't go too far baby girl. I'll be coming for you' he taunts, sending a jolt of fear through my body. But Wes reaches for Xanders shirt, yanking him back, throwing him to the other side of the room, against a hard wall and away from me.

Wes turns to me again. 'Please B, go. Get out of here'

My eyes dart between the two men. Between my captor and saviour as I battle with myself internally whether I should stay and help or leave. But the fear in Wes' eyes speak to him. He looks at me with pleading eyes  as he repeats himself one more time.

'Run.' He begs me.

I listen to his cries this time and run from the room. From the dank, dark dungeon I was being held in. I follow the stairs up to my freedom, throwing myself forward as fast as my legs could carry me, to the kitchen and then through it, towards the front door with my bare feet slapping against the hard wooden floor beneath me. Just hoping that Wes will be the person to follow me out.

**Wes POV**

I watch B as she runs for the exit, thankful that she was ok, or at least still alive, before I turn my attention back to Xander. He looks crazed as he circles the room, stalking me as if he was a predator and I was the defenceless prey that he could easily tackle.

'You' Xander growls at me, coming at me, snarling like a wild animal. He slams into me as our bodies collide as he shoves me against the wall, hard. I feel the wind being knocked out of me, as I struggle to keep my footing. Xander swings his fist at my torso, catching me off guard, coming into contact with my ribs. I lift my hand to my body covering the pain as I stagger to the side, away from the wall and him.

'You punch like a bitch' I lie to him, trying to sound a little more intimidating than I felt.

'I'm just getting started' he replies.

We circle each other before he runs at me again. This time I'm ready for him and dodge out of the way. He turns and comes back for me, grabbing hold of my jacket. I grab hold of him with one hand and throw a fist at his face with the other. Xander lets out a groan of pain, loosening his grip on me. I drag my head back before swinging it forward and head butt him in the nose, causing him to stumble backwards and fall over a roll of tape on the floor. I jump on top of him and swing my fist at his face again and again, whilst I wrap my other hand around his throat and push all my weight into it. Xanders face turns a beetroot red from the lack of oxygen while I continue my assault, breaking his nose under my powerful fist. Then I feel something smash into the side of my head causing me to topple over and fall to the floor. Lifting my hand to my head I feel a warm liquid seeping into my hair and through my fingers. I pull my hand down to see a glistening red stream run down my arm, knowing he's done enough damage to make me bleed. The blow causes my head to go foggy as I struggle to keep the room from spinning. I look around and squint my eyes to see shards of a ceramic plate laying on the floor. Still dazed from the blow Xander pins me down on the floor, kneeling on my throat with all his weight behind him. I can't find the strength to push him away. I struggle to breathe, feeling more and more lightheaded. I dig my fingers into his thigh, my thumb pushing it's way into a cut, as I try to push him off of me. My vision starts to blur at the edges as I grapple for some oxygen. Is this it? At least B is OK. That's all I could hope for. I knew she was safe. She would probably already be on the main road trying to flag someone down. The police will be here any minute to save her and finally stop this monster once and for all.
Her face was all I could picture in that last moment. My B. My Birdie.

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