Chapter 35 - The Cottage

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As the cab pulls up to the cottage I'm taken back by how worn the place looks. I don't think anyone has been here since my dad died 3 years ago. The front garden is over grown and the windows are in desperate need of a clean.

'Can you wait here a second, I'm just gunna grab the money from inside' talking to the driver for the first time since we left town.

'Yeah, don't be too long though, I've still got to get back in time for dinner' He jokes

I smile and head up the cobblestone path leading to the front door. I lift a potted plant near the entrance to reveal a key hidden there. I pick up the key and fumble to get it into the lock. Once I've unlocked it I let the door swing open revealing a dusty living room with white sheets covering the unused furniture. I swing myself around to face the security alarm on the wall next to the door and disable it before I make my way through the living room and into the kitchen. I open the draw and reach my hand down the back, feeling the wad of cash stuffed down there. I count out the money for the fare and take it back out to the driver, who already  has my bag sitting by the front door, ready and waiting for me.

I hand him the cash and drag my bag through the doorway, dumping it at the bottom of the stairs. I thank him and he walks back down the pathway, before getting into his car and driving off, leaving me all by myself...with my thoughts... Maybe I should turn the TV on...

After I've removed the sheets from the living room furniture I take a seat and flip the old TV set on. I flick through the whole 5 channels the old TV set has to offer before settling on a friends re run. I order a pizza using the left over money from the draw and try to eat my feelings away. After several episodes of friends my eyes start to flutter to a close. Before I drift off, I lift myself off the sofa and force my tired legs up the stairs and into the bathroom, I walk over to the clawfoot bath in the middle of the room and run the tap whilst pouring a bottle of bubble bath into the raising liquid. I sit on the edge of the bath, swirling my fingers around the top in a lazy motion as I test the temperature. When the bath is full I slip out of my clothes, leaving them in a pile on the floor before sliding into the tub.

'Ahh, This is what I needed' I say to myself

I reach for my wash bag and grab my coconut body wash and try to wash the day off my body. I run my hands up and down my arms, tracing them down my chest and my stomach. I move to my legs, making my way up my ankles to my calves and then my thighs. When I reach my thighs I don't stop. I push my legs apart and move my hand to my centre. As I move my hand back and forth an image of Wes pops into my head. He's laying on his bed in just his boxers. His tight, toned muscles rippling as he tucks one of his arms behind his head. He moves his free hand to his stomach, moving it down at a painfully slow pace, brushing against the rim of his boxers and then slipping underneath. His hand is moving up and down his length as he lays across the bed staring at me.

'Come here gorgeous' he says

Just before I can step forward to him she's there, slowly crawling up the bed until she's straddling him, In nothing but a black lace thong and bra. For some reason I don't stop touching myself as I day dream about them together. She leans into him kissing him deeply, she leaves his mouth, peppering kisses down his neck where she stops to nibble and suck at him. He leans his head back and moans, before whispering something into her ear and they both look over to me.

'You too' He says in a deep seductive voice, causing my skin to heat.

They both smile at me and reach out for me as I make my way towards the both of them.

I stop at the bottom of the bed causing both of them to start working their way towards me before each of them grabs either one of my arms, pulling me forward. As I fall forward I fall through the sheets, through the mattress, plunging into a darkness. Suddenly I'm back in that basement, tied to the mattress in the corner of the room. I look around in horror, sitting and scooting to the far corner of the bed, trying to make myself as small as I can, before Wes walks in. He marches up to the bed where I lay and pulls my legs out from underneath me before climbing on me, forcing me legs apart.

'Wes...NO. What are you doing' I shout as I push at his shoulders, trying to free myself. And then I hear a cold sadistic laugh. One I'll never forget as long alive. I look up over my head. Xander is there holding my arms down above my head, as he skims one of his fingers up and down my arm. His eyes are dark black, looking terrifying and demonic. His throat is a deep shade of red, with a scarlet liquid seeping from a hole in the side of his neck. He looks at me with a menacing smile on his face.

'Hey there, pretty Birdy' he purrs into my ear.

I scream myself awake in the bath, not realising I'd fallen asleep. Water splashes over the side of the bath, causing bubbles to float towards the ground from the bubble bath, before bursting open. I drape my arm over the bath and watch the bubbles pop as tears run down my cheeks, opening the floodgates of my emotions. I dunk my whole body under the water, submerging my shoulders and my head as I cry and shudder under the warm liquid, before letting my anger, my fear, everything I have bottle up, out in one heart breaking scream.

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