Chapter 12 - Terrors

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I stir from my sleep. The room is dark. The black spilling in from outside the window. I look around, feeling like I'm not alone in my bedroom as I sense a sinister presence.  Then I realise the curtains are open. I always close them before going to bed. Why would they be open? I climb out of bed and make my way to the window. As I place my hands on either side of the curtains my eye catches the hooded figure on the street below, just standing and watching me. I quickly close the curtains, blocking him from my vision. I stand with the material still in my hands and after a little while I let out the breathe I didn't realise I was holding in. I let go of the fabric and turn around, coming face to face with the horrifying figure. I scream, fear shooting up my body. Adrenaline kicking in I push at the person in front of me. But they don't move. Suddenly they're hand shoots up and grabs one of my wrists, before pulling me towards the bed. They push me down onto the mattress and climb on top of me, stopping me before I have a chance at eluding my attacker. 

My wrists are pinned above my head with just one strong hand as the monster on top of me explores my body with his free hand. I feel his finger tips trace down my side, painfully slow. They're fingers trace the outline of one of my breasts and  down the centre of my stomach. They don't stop they're trail until they reach the bottom of my top and reach the top of my shorts. The hand pulls at the cord on the shorts, loosening the fabric at my waist.

I can't move as I feel they're fingers playing with the top of my shorts, slowly entering my clothing. 

'Please don't do this' I scream. 'Please, take whatever you want. Just leave me alone.' 

'But this is what a want' Says a voice I recognise.

Then the hood falls from the figure, Exposing Xander. His eyes are black as his face comes in line with mine. An unnaturally large smile stretching across his face making him look terrifying.

'Please Xander. You don't have to do this' I plead.

'But you owe me' He replies, echoing what he said to me the night of the attack.

Tears start to fall down my face as I realise I'm not going to be able to talk my way out of this one. My upset seems to encourage him as he leans forward, toward my face and lick the tears, spilling down the side of my face. I turn my head away from him, trying to get as far away as I can, which doesn't result in much with his weight bearing down on me. I try to wriggle out from underneath him. Anything to try and get away.

'Oh yeah, baby. You rub yourself against me. See I told you,  you'd enjoy it' He growls at me through clenched teeth. 

He presses his waist into me and I can feel him ready for me.

I scream,  hoping someone might hear and come and help me. But when I'm met with an unnerving smirk from Xander I know no one is coming.

'Don't give  up now Birdie. Let me hear you scream.'

I stay quiet, not wanting to give him what he wants.

'Gone shy now have we? You'll be screaming my name in a minute babe.'

There's nothing I can do to stop the onslaught that's about to happen, so I try to picture myself somewhere else. Anywhere else. My body goes limp and my eyes glaze over as I zone out. It was like I wasn't there, but still fully aware of what was happening to me. kind of like an outer body experience. I could feel my shorts being pulled down. I could feel him pulling at his jeans. But My emotions were closed off to me. 

A vision of Wes popped into my head and wished for anything that he was here. Here to help me. Liked he's already done twice before. My knight in shining armour. I feel a twinge in my chest. The feeling gives me the courage to try one more time to fight my attacker off. Whilst Xander if still pulling at his jeans I give a big swing with my leg, hitting him where it hurt. He rolls off me and onto the bed, giving me the opportunity to run. I jump down from the bed and start to run for the door. I'm tripped over, but a hand holding onto my ankle. Xander drags  me back to him and climbs on top of me again.

'I'm going to take my time with you pretty Birdie.' he growls into my ear before forcing my legs open with his knee.

He readies himself at my entrance as I cry and scream, thrashing around.

Then the weight is gone. I'm back in bed with my shoulder being held by strong, warm hands, as I kick at the sheets, still screaming for Xander to leave me alone.

'It was just a dream, B' Wes tells me. 'It was just a dream. Everything is ok now' he continues, pulling me into a tight embrace.

'It's OK now, I'm here' he says, running his fingers down my hair.

I wrap my arms around his waist and cry into his bare chest. I don't know how long I cry for, but he sits there and holds me the entire time, not letting me go.

'Please don't leave me' I whisper into him

'I'm staying right here, B' 

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