Chapter 30 - Safe

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**Birdie POV**

I wake up screaming, not knowing where I am. And then I feel a hand land on top of mine.

'It's OK B, You're safe. I'm here'

I cry at the sound of Wes' voice. He climbs up onto the bed where I am and holds me. He pulls me into his chest and puts his face into my hair.

'I'm sorry B, I'm so sorry' he struggles to get out. I feel his tears land on my cheek. I look up to him and using my thumb I wipe the tears off of his smooth skin. I see blood under my finger nails and remember what I did. I killed Xander. I stabbed him. I wrap my arms around Wes and pull myself tight against him, continuing to cry. Wes strokes his hand down my back, calming me until all you can hear is the steady beeping of the hospital machines.

'How did we get here? How long was I asleep?' I ask

'After everything that happened you collapsed. I called an ambulance. You've been unconscious for 2 days. The doctor said it can happen after a traumatic experience, plus you were severely dehydrated and malnourished.' he explained 'Do you need anything now? I can go get some food?'

He goes to stand, but I grab hold of his arm.

'I just want you to stay with me'

'I won't ever leave your side again' he replies, sitting back down on the bed, pulling me back in under his arm. I feel myself relax into him and for the first time in what seems like forever a small smile forms on my lips.


The next morning a nurse comes into the room. She checks me over and asks all the same boring questions I get asked when any other official comes in to check on me. She checks one of the machines I'm hooked up to and fills something out on her form she's carrying around in her arm. Before she leaves she turns to me.

'The police will be along later today to talk to you, If you're feeling up to it?'

I pull myself up the bed into a sitting position, glancing over to Wes who's sitting in the chair to my side.

'I guess.' I say, looking back to the nurse. 'I mean I'll have to talk to them sooner or later. I'd rather just get it over and done with' I reply.

'OK hun, I'll send them in to you when they arrive.' She smiles and leaves the room, leaving me feeling apprehensive about having to relive the horror of the last week.

When they finally arrive two officers enter my room. A man and a women. The women has a friendly looking face and kind of reminds me of Anna. The Man is tall and wide, with a stern look across his brow. He looks like the kind of man who wouldn't take crap from anyone.

They introduce themselves as Amanda Pritchard and Joe Hill and explain to me that I'm not in any trouble for what occurred, they only want to hear my story to try and understand what happened. They ask Wes if he can leave the room, But I grab hold of his wrist when he tries to stand from his chair.

'No, he can stay. I don't want him to leave' I beg looking between the officers and Wes.

'It's OK, he can stay if that's what you want' Amanda says, adjusting in her seat.

'So...' Joe starts 'Can you take us back to Sunday 13th and tell us what happened. Please try and remember every detail, No matter how small you think it is.' He gives me a reassuring smile, pressing the play button on his Dictaphone.

The whole experience flashes through my mind. There's a silence stretching across the room as I try to focus my train of thought.

'If this is too hard to talk about right now we can come back In a couple of days? Give you a chance to get to grips with what you experienced?' Amanda offers.

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