Chapter 16 - Wes?

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The next morning I wake up in his arms. I'm facing away from him with my back pressed up against his front. His strong arms wrap around me, encasing me. I shift a little to try and stretch, but Wes just pulls me closer into him.

'Wes' I whisper. But he doesn't hear me. He's still asleep.

I feel him nuzzle into my hair and take a deep breathe. I'm not in a rush to leave this spot so I just relax into him. After a short while I feel something pressing into my arse.

'Wes?' I ask. But he's still asleep.

I try to shift in the bed, but I can't get out of his hold. My movement causes Wes to moan out in his sleep and then a mischievous thought pops into my head, that just seems to take over my body. I push my backside into his cock and I'm rewarded with another moan into my ear.

The feel of him growing harder against me gives me pleasure. I feel a heat building between my legs. I carry on moving back into him, starting to grind.

'Good morning to you too' he whispers into my ear whilst moving one on his hands to my hips.

I pause.

'Don't stop now, B' He whispers into my ear.

I carry on rubbing against him with his hand pulling me tighter towards him. He moves his hand from my waist and traces his fingers along the top of the underwear I have on. His hand slips inside the fabric and moves down between my legs. His fingers reach the sensitive spot there and I let out a little moan. He leaves his thumb to massage my clit whilst he keeps moving his fingers further down until be finds what he's looking for.

'Oh B, You're so wet' he growls.

I open my legs a little to make it easier for him to slip his fingers inside me. He starts with one and then quickly adds a second, moving them in and out at a torturous pace. I thrust my hips into his hand begging for more. I move my hand behind me and search for his underwear, gliding my hand over the top of them until I feel his hardness under the fabric. I move my hand up and down his long, thick shaft before pulling his boxers down, releasing him. He springs out of his of underwear. I catch him in my hand and continue to pump up and down. He groans then picks up the pace with his fingers.

Suddenly he jumps to the floor at the bottom of the bed. He grabs my ankles and pulls me down to meet him, then he moves his hands the rim of the underwear I have on and rips them off. He climbs on top of me, pulling my top over my head freeing my breasts. He pulls the top down my arms and stops at my wrists, trapping them before pulling my arms above my head, pinning me down.

Wes is holding me there with one hand and brings his other hand to my hip.

'Is this what you really want?' He asks

I nod, biting my bottom lip.

Wes moves his hand from my hip to pull his boxers down. He then bends over and starts kissing my collar bone. He runs his tongue along that spot and moves down to the area between my breast. He glides his mouth up to my right breast, landing on my nipple. He slides it into his mouth and starts to suck and nibble. While he's doing this Wes has moved his hand backdown to my pussy and continues teasing me with his fingers. My eyes snap shut from the pleasure and I arch my back. His mouth lets go of my nipple and he continues to lick down  my body over my stomach, toward his hand that's still inside me. He lets go of the hands that are bound above my head and drops down the a kneeling position at the bottom of the bed. I prop myself up onto my elbows to watch what he's doing. He slides his fingers out of me and brings them up to his mouth. With his eyes locked on mine he slides his fingers into his mouth, wrapping his tongue around them enjoying the moisture there.

'Hhm, you taste so good B' he whispers seductively.

He pulls his fingers from his mouth and moves his lips to start a trail of kisses from my knee, up my thigh until he discovers my sweet spot. I feel him press his tongue into me and work his magic on my clit. He slides his fingers back into me whilst his mouth is still on me. I free my hands from the top above my head and bring them down to run his fingers through his hair, pushing him further into my cunt. His hands grasp my thighs and he lifts my legs over his shoulders burying his face. I feel myself start to build with every lick and suck. He moans into me and the vibrations send me over the edge. I scream out his name as I come undone.

'I've been thinking about doing this with you for such a long time, B' Wes says as he crawls back up the bed between my legs. When he reaches my face he stops there. I can feel the tip of his cock near my entrance. I bite my bottom lip and his eyes darken. I wrap my legs around his waist and try to pull him in.

He moves one of his hands down to his shaft and positions it before edging closer and closer. He looks into my eyes as he slowly pushes himself into me. My mouth gapes open and a whimper escapes.

'B, you're so tight' he says through his teeth before claiming my mouth with his. He pushes his tongue into my mouth while he pushes his tool inside me. I can taste myself on his lips and it turns me on so much.

I pull him in faster with my legs and we both cry out.

'Fuck me' I  cry

He doesn't argue with me. He picks up the pace. Moving in and out. He wraps one of his hands around my throat while he thrusts into me. My hand moves to his and I squeeze it as I sign I want him to choke me harder. He obliges with a smirk.

'I need to slow down B or this is going to be over before it's begun' Wes declares

But I can't let him go back to the slow pace. I need this man to fuck me.

I put all my weight into rolling us over on the bed, so Wes is trapped underneath me. I smile down at him and ride him hard into the bed. He puts one of his hands on my hips and tries to slow me.

'Jesus B' Wes groans

I ignore his hand and carry on riding him, tipping my head back in ecstasy. He stops trying to fight my pace and gives in to me. He sits up in the bed and brings his mouth to my shoulder and bites me.

I wrap my arms around his back and scrap my nails along his skin, leaving red lines. I feel myself starting to build again so I buck my hips faster. I explode into a wave of euphoria over Wes's cock and my pace begins to slow. Wes rolls us back over so I'm on the bottom again and just before he releases his load he pulls out and erupts onto my stomach. He lays down next to me on the bed and we stay there with our arms and legs wrapped up in each other.

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