Chapter 26 - Back again

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**Birdie POV**

I check under my pillow for the 5th time, making sure the knife is still there. I sit on the bed waiting for Xander to come back. He hasn't made an appearance since last night and it feels like its starting to get on for midday. In one way I'm so glad, I don't want to see him. The thought of being in the same room as him makes me feel sick. But in another way I just want this to be over with and that's only going to happen if he ever comes back. My stomach growls and I put my hand on my belly. I'm so hungry. And then I hear footsteps. They stop just outside the door and I hear a key enter the lock before the door swings open. Xander wonders in the room.

'Hiya beautiful' he says to me, like what he did to me yesterday never happened. I don't respond to him. I just look at him, feeling utter disgust for my captor.

He walks up to me and places a plate down on the mattress, before sitting down with me.

'Eat something' He commands.

I don't want to risk making him angry again and I am also starving, so I pick up half the sandwich that's on the plate and take a bite. Xander doesn't take his eyes off of me as I take another bite and then another.

'Good girl, That's it' he says

He makes my skin crawl. I have no idea why I used to like this person. He's a monster. Everything he says makes me want to be sick.

When I'm finished with the sandwich he picks the plate up and puts it on the floor, before scooting up the mattress to get closer to me. He moves his hand to my knee and it takes everything in me not to flinch away from him.

He smiles down at me. 'How are you today, my pretty Birdie?' he asks, pulling that awful camera out again.

I feel like I have a golf ball stuck in my throat and I know if I open my mouth to say anything I won't be able to stop myself from crying, so I stay silent.

'I asked you a question' he says whilst moving his hand up my thigh. The I hear a click and see a flash of light.

This may be my only chance to get away from this beast. I can't wait another day. I have to get out of here.

'Fine' I force out 'I'm fine'

'Glad to hear it baby girl' he says moving his mouth to my collar bone. He kisses me there whilst he moves his hand between my legs. Then theres a click followed but thatsame flash. He's not even looking at the photos that are being churned out, as they start to fall and spread out over the bed. 

A tear falls from my eye, which thankfully he doesn't see. I move my hand to the back of his head and hold him at my clavicle, whilst he continues to kiss me, taking more photos. I open my legs and lay back down on the bed. Xander moves his body between them and places a hand over one of my breast, massaging it whilst he continues kissing my body, dropping the camera to the floor.

'I told you, You'd like it Birdie' he moans into me.

I force myself not to shudder at his words. I pull my free hand up to my head and slide it under the pillow, feeling the metal handle of the blade concealed there.

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