Chapter 19 - Lunch

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The morning rolls around and I wake feeling very sore from the previous day. I lost count how many times Wes fucked me, but I enjoyed every minute of it.

I look over to Wes who is still fast asleep and to save waking him I decide to make a start on breakfast. I pull some panties out of the dresser and an over size top and dress myself before leaving the room. I walk into the kitchen and open the fridge to see what Wes got at the shop yesterday. I spot some bacon and see a loaf of bread on the side so I choose to make bacon sandwiches. Before I start cooking I send a text to Anna to see if she's free today then proceed to get the equipment ready to make the meal. I get half way though cooking the bacon when I hear my phone ping. It's a text from Anna saying she's free and asking if I want to meet up for lunch. I reply with a 'yes' and we agree on a time and place.

I finish making the breakfast and a pot of coffee, leaving me time to set everything upon the kitchen table just as Wes comes into the room yawning and rubbing his eyes. He stands there in nothing but his boxers and I just can't help but to sit at the table gawking at him. When he spots the food he licks his lips and makes his way over to the table, taking the seat next to me.

'Good morning' I say over a mug of coffee

'Morning gorgeous' he replies

We sit and chat whilst we eat.

'I'm so sore from yesterday' I tell him

'Sorry, B. I just can't seem to get enough of you. You feel so good wrapped around my cock 'he says using a seductive voice.

I press my thighs together under the table. God this man does things to me just by talking.

'Maybe we should give the morning sex a miss just for today' he jokes

I know its for the best, I need to give myself some time to recover from the copious amounts of fucking we've been doing, but I can't help but let my imagination run wild. I don't even realise Wes is talking to me until he places his hand on mine.

'B, did you hear me?'

'Sorry, what did you say?'

'I was wondering what you wanted to do today?'

'Well I want to meet up with Anna today. She wants us two to go out for lunch'

'Ok, great. That gives me time to run some errands. I'll drop you off and then when you're ready you can just drop me a text and I'll come get you?' he asks

'Yeah, That would be great, thanks'

After we've had breakfast I stand and take the plates over to the sink. I bend down to open the cupboard underneath and pull out some washing up liquid. Before I can stand Wes is behind me running his hands over my arse.

'Why would you do this to me B? Wear these little knickers and bend over in front of me? I'm fighting the urge to bend you over this counter.'

I stand back up and press my arse into his groin. I contemplate letting him take me here and now, but the morning is running away with me and I've still got to get ready to meet Anna for lunch. I turn to face Wes, resisting the urge. I stand on my tip toes and kiss his lips.

'I've got to get ready for this lunch date, but I'm sure we can find sometime for that later' I promise him.

'You think you'll be OK later' he ask 'I mean, if you're that sore...?'

I stand on my tiptoes and pull him forward so I can whisper into his ear.

'I can think of something that we haven't tried yet, something that doesn't involve you fucking my pussy'

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