Chapter 9 - The attack

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Xander moves his hand from my chin and trails it down the side of my breast, grazing it along my side until he reaches the bottom of my top.

I push against his chest and scream out, But there's no one around at this time of night. He presses his body into mine, making it impossible for me to move out from under his looming body.

He muffles the rest of my screams with his other hand whilst continuing to pull my shirt up exposing my bra.

He growls into my ear 'I bought you dinner and then you go home with someone else? You owe me.'

He pulls my bra up freeing my breasts. He grasps one in his hand and starts massaging it, with an evil look in his dark, demonic eyes. He then moves his mouth to my neck and starts running his tongue from my collar bone up to my ear. He places my lobe into his mouth and sucks it, before lightly biting it, like he was performing some sort of foreplay. While he's distracted with his invasion on my body I bite down on the hand that's covering my mouth. He snarls at me, looking at me with complete contempt. He pulls one of his hands back and swings it at my face, knocking me to the floor. I let out a cry of pain as I come into contact with the rock solid floor, feeling the unforgiving sting of my head hitting the gravel path.

I feel dizzy from the impact and struggle to gain control of my body. I want to run. I want to get away, but my body just won't respond to what it's being told. I feel a heavy weight on top of me. I'm pinned down to the floor with Xander on top of me. The more I struggle, the more he seems to enjoy himself, which is evident from the wicked smile stretching across his lips. I thrash my hands around, trying to free myself but he grabs hold of both my wrists and yanks them over my head whilst he covers my mouth again with his other hand. He forces my legs apart with his knees and then starts to grind into me.

'You like that, don't you' He says

I let out a cry and just let the tears flood down my face.

'If you scream out again I will hurt you' he says to me in a low voice 'I bet your boyfriend can't fuck you as well as I'm about to' he boasts. 'I guess he's not here to save you tonight'

'Wanna bet' a voice says coming out from the dark. Two hands suddenly appear and grab hold of Xander, sending him flying.

'twice in less then a week? I guess you really don't know what no means. Looks like I will have to show you after all.'

Xander looks up at Wes from the ground in horror. He jumps to his feet and runs to the gate and disappears into the night. Wes spins around to me laying on the floor.

'Jesus B, what did he do to you'

Wes bends down, picks me up in his arms and carries me up the stairs to his flat. He carries me into the living room and lays me down on the sofa. He leaves me there and goes to the kitchen. He comes back with some ice and some towels. He puts the ice in a towel and tells me to hold it to my head. He then uses a damp towel to wipe at my face. He pulls the towel away and its covered in blood. I didn't realise I was bleeding until then. He pulls a phone out of his pocket and calls someone. I assume its the police because they turn up not too long after with an ambulance in tow.

I tell them what happened and who did it, whilst the paramedic checks me over. The police go over to Xanders house just down the street. It takes a long time for us to hear that they haven't found him. There was nobody home.

'Don't worry. He's not at home at the moment. But he'll have to go back sooner or later and we'll be ready for him' says one of the police officer.

Then the paramedic turns to me 'With injuries like this I'd recommend you come to the hospital'

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