Chapter 38 - Oh Brother

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Another week goes by whist I'm at the cottage. The daily messages and calls from Wes don't seem to be dissipating as I look at the screen after yet another notification.

After my first phone call with mum, she calls every day wanting to know how I am, What I'm doing and when I plan on leaving the cottage. But I can't answer that one, I still want to look at other places to live so Wes can't find me when I get back. I guess that means finding a new place to work as well. I can't work in the store below his flat and not expect to run into him can I?

'One thing at a time' I tell myself

I type 'flats to let' Into google and open up the first link I see. I narrow the search radius down and enter the price I can afford per month before a handful of places spring up for me to peruse. Nothing jumps out at me until I see the perfect flat. It's not to expensive, but close to town, If I'm going to find a new job. The living room is nice and spacious with a decent sized kitchen and bedroom, plus a smaller 2nd bedroom. My mind wonder off as I imagine that 2nd room being a nursery. What it would look like. How I would decorate it. It's the first time I've actually considered my life and what it would be like with this child. I blink myself out of the daze and continue looking into the flat that just seems perfect for us. It looks so modern and sleek, like it's just been decorated and I waste no time in clicking on the owners info before shooting off a message telling them I'm very much interested.

I sit and wait and don't hear back straight away so I ping Anna a text asking if she's free to talk. I don't get a text back from her, but she calls me back straight away and I answer with a small smile on my face. I can always depend on Anna to be there for me when I need her.

'Hey' I say as I answer the phone

'Hi, How are you feeling?' she asks

'Better' I reply

'Why did you go away Birdie? Why didn't you tell me you were leaving?' She asks with hurt in her voice.

I hadn't actually spoken to Anna about what I saw that made me want to run away and after disappearing for 2 weeks I feel like I owe her that, so I tell her all about the pregnancy and how I was feeling. Then I tell her how I found out it was Wes' baby and on my way to talk to her I found him in a lie, coming out of his flat with that girl.

'That bastard' She shouts down the phone. 'You wait till I fucking see him' she carries on.

'Please don't Anna' I half laugh down the phone. 'Just ignore him please. I don't want to make things any worse'

She pauses down the other side of the phone like she's thinking about it.

'Fine, If I see him I won't say anything, but if he talks to me I'm not going to be nice' she concedes

We carry on talking for a little while longer until we say our goodbyes and hang up. I feel a little lighter after sharing my burden with her. It's always nice to have the support of a friend and I really appreciate Anna just listening to me ramble on.

When I end the call with Anna I notice I have a reply about the flat I was looking at. I open it up hoping I'll get to go and have a look when I finally return to town. With a smile on my face I press the envelop button on the screen and start reading the reply. My smile immediately drops as I skim the first sentence to read the flat has already been taken. I slump back on the sofa in a crap mood and flick the TV on in a bid to distract myself.

I press the button on the remote for channel one and watch the news as the story of Xander flashes on the TV.

A tall, handsome news presenter is standing outside the front of the house I was held captive in. He's holding a microphone in front of him with a sorrowful look on his face.

'Breaking news as the first human remains are found in a countryside dwelling in relation to the disappearance of several young women'

My heart lurches forward, followed by the rest of my body as I sit on the edge of the sofa, watching the story unfold.

'Investigation is underway after the remains of one of Xander Coplands victims is unearthed in his garden at a family home in the countryside. Sources tell us this is the house in which Birdie, the only known survivor, escaped with her life after fighting off and killing Mr. Copland.'

Tears well in the corner of my eyes as everyones worst fears are confirmed. He did kill these girls and bury them, hiding them away from the rest of the world.

I bring my hand to cover my mouth in a bid to hold the sobs back, but it doesn't work.

'It is unclear as to who the remains belong to as o....'

I turn the TV off, not wanting to hear anymore and my heart goes out to Adam who would be sitting there watching the same news I am, not knowing if that's his sister or not.

I open the messages on my phone and type a text out to him.

'I'll meet you'

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