Chapter 5 - X

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I'm holding my breathe and trying to press my thighs together as tight as I can to try and stop Xanders assault.

My vision is growing hazy and I feel sick to my stomach. What happened to the Xander that I know from the shop? How can he be doing this to me? Why?

Just as his fingers brush the fabric of my underwear a pair of tattooed hands slam down on the table.

'She said no' Wes shouts over the music looking down at Xander. 'You do know what no means, don't you? Or did you want me to explain it to you?' he roars angrily.

Xanders hand retreats from under my dress as Wes grabs hold of Xanders collar and pulls him from the booth, pushing him to the floor. I stand up from the booth but something is happening to me. I lose balance and have to catch myself on the table to stop from falling to the floor. Wes springs to my side, holding me up by one of my arms.

'I'm taking you home' he says in a dominating way.

I don't fight him on this. I really don't feel very well. He grabs the jacket from the booth behind me and puts it on my shoulders.

'I don't want that. That's Xanders' I tell him

'Just put the jacket on, It's cold outside'

I do as he says and we make our way to the exit, leaving Xander behind. I pull free from Wes's grasp and walk ahead. I hear Xander say something to Wes from behind me, but I carry on walking to the exit. I don't want to see Xander. I just want to get out of here.

As soon as I hit the cold, fresh air outside I feel myself start to fall. I feel a pair of hands grab hold onto my waist and catch me just as everything goes black...


I have a vision, I'm pinned down on a cushioned bench. A shadow weighing me down. I try to push the shadow away but my hands move straight through it. I cry but no one can hear me. Then I wake and stirring in bed.

I have no idea what happened last night. I don't know how I got home. Then I feel it. A hand draped over my stomach. My eyes shoot open and I quickly realise I'm not in my bed. I quickly close my eyes again. What happened last night?

I try to assess my situation. I pull my hand up to my waist and realise I'm not in my dress. I'm wearing some sort of t-shirt that's miles too big for me. I cringe. I don't remember what happened after what Xander tried to do to me in that booth. Did I end up going home with him? Horror sets in. I remember him forcing himself onto me in the booth and I get angry. I decide I need to get out of there. I turn to the side of the bed, open my eyes and slowly lift the hand that's draped over me and try to leave, but the hand clamps down on the top I'm wearing. I lookdown at the hand that's caging me in. Its not Xanders. This hand has a tattoo of a wolf on the back of it. This is Wes... How did I end up here?

'Morning B, How are you feeling?'

I stiffen and he lets out a laugh, letting go of my top and shifting his position in the  bed.

'Calm down' he says 'I saved you from the creep last night. Do you not remember?'

'I don't Remember, no. What the hell happened?' I say as I sit up in the bed trying to pull the covers over myself. As I do this the covers slip off of Wes, showing his tattooed torso. He lays there looking at me in only a pair of jogging bottoms. He doesn't seem bothered that he's this exposed.

'I was going to take you home after your date tried to attack you, but you passed out and I didn't know where you lived, so I just brought you back here. I was going to sleep on the sofa, but then you started being sick so I had to change you out of the clothes you were wearing and thought it would be safer to stay with you so you didn't choke in your sleep if you threw up again.'

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