Chapter 15 - Moments

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After this mornings incident Wes has been quiet. I hope he doesn't think I'd chalk it up to anything other then an accident.

'Hey, you OK?' I ask him.

'Yeah' He replies with a little frown on his face.

'Sure there's nothing bugging you?' I quiz.

He doesn't answer right away. He looks like he's chewing something over before he answers me.

'Were you dreaming of him last night?' he finally asks

'I wouldn't call it a dream.' I respond, looking down to my hands

Wes moves closer to me on the sofa and puts his hand on top of mine.

'They'll catch him you know. You're safe here with me until they do. I'll keep you safe' He tells me with the most serious look I've ever seen on his face.

Then he gets up from the sofa and walks towards the bathroom. 'I'm just gunna have a quick shower' he says to me over his shoulder.

Whilst he's in the shower, I walk into the bedroom to grab my phone. I pull it away from the charger lead and take a seat on the edge of the bed, scrolling through my texts. There's a message from Katie that I quickly reply to before I make my way back to the living room. I exit the bedroom looking down at my phone when I walk straight into Wes with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. My hands come into contact with his bare, tattooed chest as I try to minimise the collision, dropping my phone to the floor. My eyes dart down to where I dropped my phone, only to stop on the large bulge in his towel. It makes me imagine what it would be like to see him completely naked. What it would be like to be with him. What it would feel like. Lost in my thoughts.

I'm only brought back to reality when I hear Wes cough. My head snaps up to look him in the face. I feel my cheeks grow hot.

'Sorry' I choke out.

I see a small smile tug at the corner of Wes's lips. I've never been so embarrassed in my life. I try to walk passed, but he steps the same way I move. He chuckles. I try to step to the other side, but he does the same. I step to the side and try to move forward, Accidently tapping his manhood with my hand.

'Oh my god, I'm so sorry' I gush out, bringing my hands up to my face in absolute horror.

Wes puts his hands on the top of my arms and looks down at me. I look up at him not knowing what's coming next. He suddenly lifts me up, moves me to the side of the hallway and places me back down on the floor. I stand there just watching him as he walks into the bedroom, after he lifted me like I was nothing. I can't help but think about how strong he is. Twirling a piece of my hair between my fingers. He pushes the door mostly closed, but not fully. In the gap  I see Wes pull the towel down from his hips, my eyes darting to his perfectly formed bum.

'Take a picture' Is all I hear from the bedroom.

I practically turn and run back to the living throwing myself at the sofa, pressing my face into the fabric to hide my shame.

Not too long after, Wes comes strutting out of the bedroom, fully clothed.

'What are you doing?' He asks me when he sees me with my face buried in the sofa.

'Waiting for death' I reply without moving

He laughs at me and walks into the kitchen.

'Did you want something to drink?' He offers me

'Only if its alcoholic' I mumble into the sofa.

He laughs at me again. 'I'm sure I can manage that. Come and have a look at what I've got in the cupboard and I'll make you whatever you want.'

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