Chapter 44 - Surprise

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As I clutch hold of the paper pharmacy bag on my lap, we drive out of the village. I stare out the window and watch my peaceful oasis slip away.

Wes places his hand on my knee and squeezes it, bringing my attention back to him. I give him a weak smile as I look over to him.

'Looking forward to going back?' He asks

'Not really' I admit

'What about my surprise?' He asks with a grin on his face.

'Well that depends on what it is' I tease, smiling back at him.

'I think you'll like it' He announces, looking back at the road, smiling to himself.

Why does the drive home always feel shorter?

'We're back' Wes announces.

When I was at the cottage it was easier to forget everything that had happened to me. Now I'm back I feel forced to face everything. I try my best to remain positive.

'So, when do I get this surprise?

'We can go right now if you'd like?

I feel a jolt of excitement at his words. He always knows the right things to say and do. I nod my head like an eager child, having no idea what he has in mind.

We drive towards his place, but then takes a detour towards town. He hands me a black piece of fabric.

'Put this on' He says

'You're joking?' I ask

'Deadly serious. I don't want to ruin the surprise before we even get there.'

I jokingly roll my eyes at him with a smile on my face.

'Fine, I'll wear the blindfold' I say before laying the fabric across both my hands, bringing it up to my face and tying it behind my head.


'Can you see?'


'Then very' He replies

We don't drive for much longer before the car comes to a stop and Wes turns the engine off. I hear his car door open and then close, before my door swings open. I feel Wes unclip my seatbelt and place one of my hands in his as he helps me out the car.

'Is the blindfold really necessary?' I question.

'Yes. Do...Not...Take...It...Off' He purrs into my ear, dragging out each word.

'OK, OK' I hold my hands up, surrendering to his commands.

He pulls my hand in the direction he wants me to walk in and I follow him, putting all my trust into his guidance.

We walk through a door and then come to a stop a couple of feet in. A few seconds pass until I hear a faint ding, before we step forward a few more feet. I realise we're in a lift when the floor starts to move beneath my feet with no warning.

'Almost there B'

'You're not luring me somewhere to have your wicked way with me are you?' I joke

He leans in close to me as he breathes into my ear.

'Maybe I am. Wouldn't you like that?' he teases, as he places one of his hands on the small of my back.

I feel myself start to fluster under his touch. How does he do it?

Suddenly the lift comes to a stop and the doors open. We take a step out and walk down a long corridor until we come to another stop. I hear a key slip into a lock and then the mechanism release as our last door opens.

Wes moves to stand behind me as he slowly guides me into a room.

'Are you ready?' He asks, with his voice echoing off the walls.

'Yes' I practically scream, before Wes starts to untie the blindfold.

As the piece of fabric falls from my face and my eyes adjust to the brightness of the room, I'm greeted by a large open space living area, with a modern looking kitchen to the far side. It takes me a second to realise I've seen this place before. This is the apartment I was looking at. This is the apartment I fell in love with, but was already taken when I enquired.

As I turn to face Wes he's standing behind me with his fist stretched out between us. I look down at his hand in confusion.

'What's this?' I ask

'Hold out your hand' 'He jokes

I do as he says, while he smiles down to me. He moves his fist over the top of my outstretched palm and opens his grasp, dropping something small and hard into my hand.

I look down at the metallic silver key laying flat against my skin.

I shoot my eyes back up to Wes, as he smiles down at me.

'I was wondering if you wanted to move me?' He enquires, looking a little nervous.

I stand with wide eyes, not believing what he's asking me. A long silence passes between us before Wes carries on talking.

'This is the surprise, B. So what do you say?'

I can't find the words. The only thing that keeps trying to force its way up is something I don't think I'm ready to share with Wes yet. I reach my hand up to my throat and rub at it as if someone has their hand wrap around it, stopping me from breathing. A tear slips down my face as I choke out the words.

'I'm pregnant.'

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