Chapter 21 - Taken

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**Wes POV**

As I ride around the corner on my bike I feel a hole open up in my stomach. There are 3 police cars parked up outside my flat and I have a horrible feeling its Birdie. I know it's her.

I jump off my bike and run towards my flat.

'Wesley James?' A police officer says to me, stopping me from climbing the stairs to my home.

'Yeah, Where is she? Is she OK?' I ask frantically

'I'm sorry to tell you Wesley, but we received a report of a women being abducted. We believe it to be Birdie, the women staying here with you'

'No, I was only gone for a little while. How did this happen? Do you know where she is now?

'A witness has described the abductor and we're pretty confident it was Xander who has taken her. Unfortunately we don't know where they've gone, but we are doing everything we can at this moment'

He carries on talking to me, but I can't hear what he's saying. I drop to the floor. This is my fault. I left her alone.

**Birdies POV**

I wake, feeling groggy. My head is sore and I lift my hand to feel it, to make sure I'm OK, but my hands are tied together with some sort of rope. I open my eyes and all I see is darkness. 'Where am I? How long have I been here?' I think to myself. I try to free my hands, but the coarse rope digs into my wrists, hurting me.

'Hello' I cry out. But there is no answer.

I try to stand, but I feel so light headed. I pull at the rope but I'm tied to something. I can't see what. It's too dark. There's nothing I can do. I feel so defeated. I sit there and sob, Crying to myself in the dark. It's not long until I see a door open, letting light pour into the room, Illuminating my prison. I look around and realise I must be in some sort of basement. The walls are a cold brick and there isn't much down here apart from the mattress I'm sat on and a row of shelves on the far wall. A shadow appears in the entrance. I squint my eyes to try and see the face of the figure. They step forward and turn the light on to this dungeon.

'Oh Good, You're finally awake' Xander says as he moves closer and closer to me.

I push myself back on the mattress I'm sitting on, pressing myself into the wall to try and get as far away from him as I can, but its no use. He gets to the edge of the mattress and looks down at me. I look down at my hands, not wanting to look at him. He leans forward and grabs my chin in his hand and yanks my face up to look at him.

'You're little boyfriend isn't going to protect you this time. No body is going to find you... Not in time anyways.' he says, taunting me.

'Why are you doing this' I cry

'I told you before. You owe me. And I'm ready to cash in.'

He places his hands on my ankles and pulls my legs out from underneath me, causing me to fall back onto the mattress. He climbs on top of me, laying down, pressing his weight onto my body. He brings a hand up to my hair and pulls a lock between his fingers. He twirls it and looks at me.

'I've been watching you, you know.' He announces

'I've been watching you for a while now. At work, when you go out with your friends, I even watch you through your bedroom window. I saw you that night. When you had him in your bed. I watched you put on that show for me.'

I squirm underneath him 'Please stop this Xander'

'Why stop? You obviously want this. Why else would you have left the curtains open for me to watch?' he asks

'I didn't know you were there, please Xander, you're hurting me' I cry.

'You want to feel me. I know you do' He drops the strand of hair he's twiddling between his fingers and grabs at my hair, wrapping it around his fist, before yanking it, causing my head to whip back on the pillow. He moves his mouth to my neck and I can feel his breath there. He moves closer  into my neck and starts kissing and licking me.

'No, stop' I shout, trying to push him off me.

He stops what he's doing when he sees a mark just under my ear.

'What's this?' he shouts

I think back to the hickey Wes gave me the other day. I know that's what he's found.

'You're a little slut aren't you' he growls at me. 'I'm going to have some fun with you before I'm finished. When they find you, your boyfriend is going to know this is all his fault. The others got off lightly. But you wont.'

Tears rundown my face and my vision blurs. Then all of a sudden Xander climbs off the bed, walks towards the door, turns the light off and exits the room. He closes the door behind him, leaving me in the darkness again.

What was he talking about? Has he done this before? If he's done this before he must not of been caught. How many girls has he done this too? I have so many questions whizzing around my mind. I pray that he doesn't come back so I never have to find out what he has planned for me. But I know he will. And I won't be able to stop him. I cry to myself at the thought and wish for someone to come save me. I lay there on that mattress and think of Wes, Hoping he'll find me. After what feels like hours, tiredness takes over my body and I fall asleep.

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