Chapter 4 - The Club

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We queue for about 15 minutes to get in, but the cold makes it feel a lot longer.

'Thanks again for letting me borrow your jacket, I can't believe I forgot to bring something'

'You don't have to thank me. Come here.' He steps closer to me and pulls me into an embrace. Xander just holds me there. I wrap my arms around his waist and breathe in the smell of his aftershave. God he smells so good. A sandalwood smell. Something I wouldn't usually like, but on him it works.

When we're finally in I look around for anyone I might know. I spot Katie dancing amongst a sea of faces and head over to her. I battle my way through the mass of people to get to her.

'Happy birthday' I shout at her over the music and lean in for a hug.

She hugs me back and smiles. ' Thanks babe, Have you just got here? Anna's around here somewhere. You have to try this drink. Its amazing' She slurs her words.

She shoves a drink into my hand and I take a sip. 'Hmm, That is good.'

I turn around to see Xander standing right behind me. I introduce him to Katie and her friends before I give Katie back her drink. Me and Xander make our way over to the bar, leaving the girls back on the dance floor. It's a busy night at Salty's so the bar is packed.

'Did you want to go find us a table whilst I get some drinks in' he asks

I turn from the bar and scout the room for a free table. There's only one booth left in the corner of the room, so I make my way over. It beats standing in these heels all night.

After I take Xanders jacket off and put it and my bag down I turn around to see if I can see Anna. As I spin around I come into contact with a broad chest. I back up from where I was standing about to apologise to whoever it was who I bumped into. But I look up to see Wes staring down at me. I never realised how tall he was before. Standing this close to him he looms over me.

'Oh its you' I say

'That's charming. And to think I was only coming over to tell you how nice you look. It's nice to see you in something other then that god awful work uniform you have to wear'

I look at him in confusion. 'Thanks, I guess?'

'Where's your little date gone? What was his name again?' he asks

'Xander is at the bar getting us drinks. Where's your date gone? Bored of your company already?' I jest.

'You're on form tonight, where's all this hate coming from B?'

I look at him and he looks back at me. We stand in silence with the music thumping in the background. 

'I don't like that guy for you. I think there's something off about him' he blurts out.

'What do you mean? You don't even know him.' I reply, shocked

'It's just a vibe I get from him. There's just something not quite right.'

I look into his eyes, not knowing how to reply to that. What does it have to do with him anyways? Before I can reply, we're interrupted by Xander. Thank god.

'Here's your drink' he says handing me a large vodka lemonade. I take a sip and wince.

'God that's strong'

'Yeah, I got you a double. I hope you don't mind?'

Wes coughs to bring our attention back to the fact he's still there.

'Xander this is Wes, Wes lives above the shop. Wes, this is Xander, my date.'

They nod at each other and say hey. Its starting to feel a little awkward with the three of us just standing in silence. Then Wes spots his Date on the dancefloor and wonders off.

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