Chapter 17 - Again

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'We really do need to go to your place and get some stuff' Wes says rolling onto his side to look at me. 'And go to the shop for supplies'

I let out a displeased moan

'But I want to stay here, like this for a while longer'

He laughs, gets up from the bed and leaves the room, completely naked. I watch him as he disappears out the door. He comes back a few second with some tissues, places them on me and wipes his load off my stomach. He throws the tissues on the floor, grabs me by my arms and pulls me up and over his shoulder. He lifts me into a fireman carry across the flat and into the shower, spanking my arse as we go. He places me down in front of him and turns the water on. Water comes crashing down on our bodies from above. He grabs the shower gel and squeezes the liquid onto my shoulders. The green ooze dribbles down my body. I take the bottle from Wes's hands and do the same to him. Wes moves his hands to my shoulders and rubs it in, moving his hands down my body, massaging the gel in as he goes. I put the bottle on the shelf and do the same. He rubs the soap into my breasts and cups them looking down at me with that hunger in his eyes. I look at him when I run my foamy hands down his body towards his dick. I grasp it in my hands, feeling him get hard from my touch.

'We're not going to make it to mine, pack up some of my clothes and go to the shop if you keep slowing us down' I tease

'I'm sure I can make it quick, now I know this isn't a one off' he jests

'Oh yeah?' I ask with a grin on my face

He moves his hands down  between my legs and starts rubbing his fingers along my slit, whilst trailing kisses down my neck. I tip my head back to give him better access, as he nibbles and sucks a spot just below my ear lobe. I just know he's left a hicky. He lifts my leg to his side and lowers himself to position his cock at my entrance. He's carries on his advance with his fingers until he's satisfied I'm wet enough before ramming his big member inside my tight snatch. He lifts me up off the floor of the shower. I wrap my legs around his waist as he lifts me up and down, impaling me over and over again.

'Wes you're so big, you feel so good inside me' I say into his ear which only encourages him even more. The pressure of him slamming into me repeatedly causes me to cry out as I cum for him for the third time this morning. He puts me down on the floor of the shower, turns around and uses his hand to relieve himself into the running water.

We wash the sex off of our bodies before getting out of the shower. I walk into the bedroom followed by Wes. He drops his towel and looks over at me, giving me a cheeky wink. He walks over to the dresser and finds some clothes for him to get changed into and something I can wear.

Wes walks back over to where I'm stood with a pile of clothes in his hands. He tugs at the towel I have wrapped around me and it falls to the floor exposing my naked body.

'You're so beautiful, B.'

I blush at his words and take the clothes from his hands. My fingers graze along his hand as I take them from him and my knees so weak. How does he do this to me?

We're finally ready to leave for my place. We step over the threshold of the flat for the first time in days and we walk down the stairs.

'Today's the day I get to see your place' Wes says, with a wide grin on his face.

I forget that I've only really known this person for a week. Yeah, I knew of him before then, but that doesn't really count.

I look up at him 'Well you are in for a treat' I joke

We walk down the road and come out on another street. We walk for about 10 minutes until we're standing outside the block of flats I live in. I key in the code for the front door and make my up the stairs, over to my front door. I slide my key into the lock and push the door open. We step inside and turn to Wes.

'Welcome to my humble abode' I say, gesturing for him to come further inside.

He enters taking it in as he looks around.

'So this is where you live?' he says 'It's not too far from mine is it?' he says with a smile on his face.

'No, I guess not' I say  returning the grin.

'My bedrooms just down the hall and the living room is through there, pointing just behind him. I'll go and grab my stuff.'

He stops me with his hand on my wrist.

'We could just stay here tonight if you want? You must be missing your space by this point?' Wes says

'If you're sure, that would be nice' I reply

He pulls me in for a hug and breathes into my ear.

'I can go to the shop by myself if you want? Give you a chance to relax.'

I nod 'You've been amazing, thank you'

Wes walks to the door 'I'll be right back, Is there anything you fancy from the shop?'

'Surprise me' I say as he's walking out of the door.

I walk into my bedroom and pick out a green sun dress from my wardrobe. I've lived in Wes' clothes for almost a week now and I wanna feel a bit more girlie for a change. After that I lay down on my bed. I take a big breath in and then out. This week has just been crazy. I roll over and pull the covers over me and fall asleep.

I wake to the sound of my bedroom window blowing open and I sit bolt up right. I put my hand over my heart and let out a breath. I can't shake a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach, but just as I'm about to over think things I hear the front door open.

'I'm back' Wes shouts

I jump out of bed, scurry over to the window and shut it, making sure its locked. Then walk out the room and go and find Wes in the kitchen pulling all sorts out of a carrier bag.

He looks up at me 'I was thinking I could cook for you tonight. How do you feel about Spagbol?' he asks.

'I love it' I respond

'I've got us a bottle of wine to accompany it as well' he says holding up a bottle of red.

'You really have thought of everything, haven't you?'

'You know me, B. Nice dress by the way' he says before biting his bottom lip and letting out a little moan.

I smile to myself as I go to the cupboard and pull some wine glasses out. I crack open the bottle, pouring us a glass each. I sit at the dining table and watch as Wes cooks us up a feast. It smells so good.

'Who would have thought you'd be such a good cook?' I joke

'Well you haven't actually tasted it yet babe'

He dishes the food upon plates I fetch from the cupboard and we take a seat at the table. I waste no time diving in as I'm starving. The food is fantastic and melts in my mouth.

'You do know how to cook, this is great' I say between bites

We eat our dinner and talk about random stuff then start asking more personal questions, trying to get to know each other a little better. It seems weird that we've spent this much time with each other without actually knowing that much about the other person. When we've finished eating we take our glasses of wine over to the sofa and carry on our discussion.

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