Chapter 31 - The Doctor

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A couple of weeks have passed since I've been back from the hospital. Wes has pretty much moved into my flat with me, taking care of my every need. I'm so thankful he has been there for me.

We're sitting on the sofa in my living room, early in the morning. I'm just finishing up my cereal and a cup of coffee. When Wes turns to me.

'I've got a meeting this Saturday about 12, So I've just got to pop out for a bit if that's OK?'

'Yeah, of course' I say, feeling a little apprehensive about the thought. I know in my mind there's nothing to fear anymore now Xander is gone, but I haven't been alone since I was taken and the memory of it still haunts me.

'Is it a work meeting?' I ask him

'Yeah, it's just a catch up about the work I've been doing from home. So I can't imagine I'll be too long.'

'OK' I say, smiling across the sofa to him. He smiles back and we carry on watching community on Netflix.

All of a sudden I feel a wave of nausea wash over me. I run to the toilet, feeling sick to my stomach. As I open the bathroom door I throw myself down in front of the toilet and bring up my breakfast. Wes rushes to my side.

'Jesus B, are you ok?' he asks me in a panic.

'Yeah, I'll live. I think its these painkillers I'm on. I've been feeling sick for the last few days after I take them.'

'Why didn't you tell me? Maybe you should go to the doctors and get them to put you on something else?' he suggests

I think about it and decide he's right, so I call the doctors and book myself an appointment to see someone.

Tomorrow morning comes around quickly and Wes and I get ready and leave for the doctors. When we arrive Wes takes a seat in the waiting room, not taking his eyes off me as I go up to the reception desk to book myself in. It's not long before I'm called into the doctors room.

'Do you want me to come with you?' Wes asks

'I'll be OK' I reassure him.

I smile at him, leaning in for a quick peck, before I stand and head to the doctors room.

I walk down the corridor, around the corner and see the door to the room. I tap on the door.

'Come in' a voice calls from inside.

I open the door, step in and close it behind myself. I'm greet by an older brunette lady.

'Hi Birdie, Please take a seat. I'm Doctor Clayton. How are you today? She asks

'I'm good, Thank you' I reply, twiddling my fingers

'What brings you in to see me?'

'Well I was prescribed some painkillers from the hospital and over the last few days they've been making me feel really sick.'

She turns to her computer ' Let me have a look and see what you've been given and what we can swap it for.'

She clicks and types until she finds what she's looking for.

'That's strange' She says under her breath

'What's strange' I ask her

'Well this type of painkiller doesn't have any known side effects of nausea. But I'll swap it with another lower dose painkiller and hopefully that will do the trick.' She types away on her keyboard, clicks her mouse a few more times and the printer comes to life in the corner of the room, spewing out a green piece of paper.

'Here. Take this downstairs to the pharmacy and they'll get what you need.

I thank her and leave, walking back towards the waiting area. Wes stands when he sees me and walks over to me.

'Sorted?' he asks

'Yeah, I've just got to grab a new prescription downstairs before we leave.'

'Lead the way then my love' He says stepping to the side, allowing me to walk ahead.

We take the stairs down holding hands, Until the I'm on the last step. Suddenly Wes jumps down the stairs, stopping in front of me and turns to face me. He stops me dead in my tracks and plants a kiss on my lips, then he places his hands on my waist and pulls me up against him. I kiss him back, running my fingers through his hair. Then we hear a cough and look back up the stairs behind us. I turn back to Wes and giggle at him. We're completely blocking the stairs. I push him lightly on the arm to get him moving and we stroll into the pharmacy grinning at each other.

We join the back of the queue and as we shuffle forward slowly I turn to Wes.

'Should we pop to the shop next door and grab something for dinner?'

'Yeah. Actually did you want me to go and get some stuff whilst you queue here? Save a bit of time?'

'Yeah, We're not moving anywhere quick'

'I know exactly what I want to cook for you tonight and now it'll be a surprise' he says giving me a wink as he walks out into the street and disappears.

I glance over at the shelves whilst I wait for my turn, looking over the cold medicines, then to the vitamins and down to bottom shelf, until something catches my eye. A pregnancy test. My mind flashes back to this morning when I was sick and the last few morning when my stomach has been in knots. But the more I think the more I start to worry.

'It can't be' I say to myself. I try to remember when I last had my period. I think I'm late, but I was never very good at keeping track. I grab the test off the shelf and will for the queue to go down quickly. I get to the front and hand my prescription over with the test. I watch the door in case Wes comes back and my stomach drops as he walks through. I quickly swipe my card over the scanner and shove the test in my jacket pocket.

'Hey, You almost done?' Wes says when he gets to the counter, placing his hand on my back.

'Almost' I reply, forcing a smile on my lips.

Finally the man behind the counter hands me my prescription and I head to the door, pulling Wes by the hand.

'Hey, what's the rush' He jokes.

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