Chapter 34 - Her

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Whilst I struggle to grapple with my feelings towards the new information I've just received I find myself wondering over towards the shop. I'm hoping to find Anna so I can talk to her about this. I want to get her opinion, before I talk to Wes. We've only been sleeping together less then 2 months and now I'm pregnant. How could I be so stupid? Would Wes even be OK with the idea of me having a baby? Maybe I should test the waters with him later?

As I turn the corner towards the shop I see Wes coming out of his flat. I keep walking forwards, before stopping dead in my tracks. He turns back behind him, as he's followed out of his flat by the same girl I saw him with in town when I went to the club with Xander.

My throat starts to close up and my heart drops as I see her look up and smile at my man. I walk backwards to the corner I've just walked out from and hide behind it, watching what happens next.

As I peer out from behind the brick wall I watch as Wes leans down and wraps his arms around the pretty brunettes waist. She snakes her arms around his neck, raises onto her tiptoes and kisses his cheek. That's all I can force myself to watch as I dart back behind the wall. I stand there trying to catch my breath as tears stream down my face. How could he do this to me? How could he after everything we've been through? Everything I've been through? I bring my hand up to my mouth to cover the sound of the scream I want to let out. I hear footsteps approaching the wall I'm tucked behind and turn on my heels, before I run away.

I reach my block before I stop running. I climb the stairs and rush to my door, pushing it open. I swing the door closed behind me, putting my back up against it and slowly sliding down it until I'm folded up in front of it crying into my lap.

How can one person be so sensitive and sweet to someone they claim to love, whilst they're sleeping with someone else behind their back?

I don't know what to do. But I can't be here when he gets back.

I need to get away and think about what I need to do next. I hurry over to my wardrobe and grab a large sports bag out from the bottom. I chuck it onto the bed, before grabbing handfuls of my clothes that I throw into it. I empty my underwear draw of socks and pants, adding them to my bag. I snatch at everything I think I'll need, before throwing the bag over my shoulder and running out the door. I get out the door and across the road before I have to duck and hide behind a parked car as I see Wes walk down the street, heading for my place.

I stand there and watch him. I thought he was perfect. Turns out I am a bad judge of character. First Xander and now Wes. How do I manage it?

My phone buzzes in my pocket. Wes is calling. I hang up the phone, not wanting to talk to him. I go to put it back in my pocket but he calls again. I hang up. A third time he calls. I press the red button. Texts start pinging up on my phone from him.

'Where are you?'

'Your stuff's gone?'

'Are you OK?'

'B, please let me know you're OK'

My eyes water at the texts that come through thick and fast. How does this come so easy to him? Pretending that he cares?

I take one last look at my flat before I turn and walk towards town and a taxi to take me anywhere else.

As I reach the taxi rank I grab the handle of the nearest cab. I throw my bag in and jump into the backseat, slamming the door behind me.

'Where to?' The driver asks

'South, to Dungerness' I reply

My mum owns a cottage near the coast, that she never  stays in. So I won't have to run into anyone. Not my mum, or neighbours or Wes.

'That's pretty far away there little lady, It's gunna cost ya'

'How much?' I ask

'£175 or there abouts'

'I've got the money, that's fine' I tell him, knowing my mum usually kept a couple of hundred pounds tucked down the back of the cutlery draw just in case of an emergency. I'm sure she won't mind right?...Or maybe I'll just replace it before she notices.

After my dad passed away I was left with a pretty decent little nest egg which should keep me going for a while.

The driver starts to pull the car away as I look out the window locking eyes with Wes who is running towards the car. Just as he reaches for the handle of the car the driver pulls out of reach, driving down the road. Tears start to fall down my face as my phone starts to ring again. Every time I press the red button his name just flashes back up on my screen. I place my finger on the button to the side of the screen and hold it, killing the screen, before plunging it down into the bottom of my bag.

My eyes cling to the  window as I watch town whiz by before joining the motorway. I'll return soon, but not before Wes gets the hint and leaves me alone. Or maybe I could just look for a new place to live for my return.

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