Chapter 18 - Dessert

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It's starting to get late when we realise that the whole bottle of wine has disappeared. And it's not until then that I realise how tipsy I am. With my new found confidence, I slide my hand onto Wes' thigh smiling up at him. I lean in and kiss him and he returns it. I slide my hand up his thigh until I can feel his cock through his jeans. I knead his member and feel him get hard through the thick fabric. I move my hand to the button of his jeans and pull it open, before sliding his zipper down. I drop to my knees in front of him and pull at his jeans. He lifts himself up a little to help me with my objective. When I've succeeded with the jeans I move to do the same with his boxers. I free him from the material and shuffle closer between his legs. I grasp his dick in my hand, bringing it up to my lips. I kiss the tip and open my mouth, inching him in. His head leans back, resting on the back of the sofa. One of his hands moves to the back of my head with his fingers weaving into my hair. I slide my tongue down the side of his shaft and he moans in delight.

'Yeah, Just like that baby' Wes whimpers

I get half way down when I start to feel his dick reach the back of my throat. I start to gag and force myself to take the rest of him in, all the way to the base. I hold there for a second before licking my way back up his thick meat.

'Fucking hell. That feels so good' he roars

I pick up the pace and start lapping him up in my mouth, sliding up and down. I place my hand at the base of his cock and start to work my hand whilst I focus my attention to the tip, leaving enough spit for my hand to slide up and down with ease. I look up at the man in front of me with his cock still in my mouth and lock eyes with him. He lets out a low growl whilst he watches me.

'I can't take this anymore, B'

Suddenly Wes leaps off the sofa and picks me up, wrapping my legs around his waist. He secures his mouth to mine and pushes his tongue into my mouth whilst walking us through the flat towards my bedroom. He kicks the door open with his foot and before we can make it to the bed he pins me up against the wall, pulls my panties aside and slams his cock into me. I let out a scream of pure pleasure. He repeats the action after he pulls himself out just to slam himself back in all over again. I feel his fingertips dig into my arse as he lifts me up and down his shaft. I scream out in satisfaction as I feel him fill me up completely.

'B, I want to live inside your pussy' Wes grunts at me into my ear.

'Put me on the bed' I tell him and Wes obliges.

I move onto all fours and stick my bum out at him. He steps closer, grabs hold of my arse and drives his hard tool into me, fucking me hard and fast. He reaches his hands to the front of my dress and rips it open liberating my round mounds. He looks over to my wardrobe that has a full length mirror on the front and watches himself screw me. He smiles and leans forward cupping my tits in his giant hands, using them to pull me back against him even harder. He's still watching me in the reflection as my head lulls forward just as I cum, screaming out his name. Wes follows me over the edge and collapses on top of me, pushing me into the bed. After a moment he gets up from the bed pulling out slowly from my pussy. He bends over and sinks his teeth into my arse and then kisses the bite mark he's left behind.

I roll onto my back and look down.

'You've ripped my dress' I say with a laugh

'I think it looks better like that babe' he says looking at me with hunger still in his eyes 'Although I'd definitely cover myself up if I were you, unless you want to go for round 2'

'I wouldn't say no' I challenge him. I don't think he's being serious until he climbs back onto the bed, opens my legs and impales me again.

'I could get used to this' He confesses.

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