Chapter 32 - The Test

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When we get in I rush to the toilet, leaving Wes to sort dinner out. I rip the test out of my jacket pocket and fumble with the box to get the stick out. I sit down and take the test, waiting for the result.

There's a knock on the door.

'Hey B, Are you OK? Are you still feeling sick?' He asks

'Yeah, Still a little ill from earlier. I'll be out in a bit' I lie

'I'll make you a cup of tea babe' He says before walking back to the kitchen.

A tear slides down my cheek. He's been so amazing through all of this. I prey this test is negative. I can't be pregnant from what Xander did to me. I just can't. My eyes are watering as I wait for the result. I try to blink the tears away. I stare at the ceiling counting down the seconds. When the time is up I can't look down. What if my fears come true? I force myself to look down. I feel my heart drop when I look at the test and read the result. I'm pregnant. I feel myself go lightheaded. I need some air. I try to stand and I fall, making a large thud on the floor.

'B?' I hear from the other side of the door as the door handle jiggles about.

'I'm ok' I shout, holding back the tears. 'I just... knocked something over'

'That was a pretty big bang B. Are you sure you're OK?' he asks

'Yeah, I'm just finishing up. I'll be right out'

'Just shout if you need anything' he says leaving me alone again.

I sit on the floor and let out a little sob before I pull myself back together. He can't find out. I need to figure out what I want to do. I grab the test and the box and shove it down to the bottom of the bin, hiding it under a wad of tissues. I stand and look at my reflection in the mirror. I splash my face with some cold water and then attempt the sort out my make up. I fake a smile to myself in the mirror and it falters, turning into a grimace. 'You need to fake it better then this' I think to myself.

I emerge from the room and go to the kitchen to help Wes cook dinner.

I walk up behind Wes and wrap my arms around his waist. I press my face against his back and breathe in the smell of mint on his hoodie. 'He can never know' I internally warn myself.

The morning comes and I quickly lock myself away in the bathroom with my phone. I tell Wes I'm going to have a shower but I have something I need to take care of before I can relax.

I turn the shower on and whilst the water is running I phone around several clinics. I manage to get hold of one that has an appointment available for tomorrow. I want to get this over with as quickly as possible.

'We have a space at 12:30 this Saturday if that's suitable' a women offers me.

'Yes please. I'll be there'

When I've given my details and secured the appointment I quickly jump in the shower so Wes doesn't become suspicious. I just need to think of an excuse to leave the house without him Saturday. With a towel wrapped around me I head to the bedroom to get dressed before going to the living room to find Wes.

'Hey, nice shower?' he asks

'Yeah, the steam does wonders' I reply. 'I was thinking about Saturday.'

'Oh I've got that meeting, remember. The one I told you about before. Its at 12. are you still OK if I go? I could cancel it if you'd rather me stay with you.'

And there it was, my chance to get out of this place without having to come up with an excuse or lie to him about where I'm going.

'No, no. It's OK. I'm sure I can find something to do to keep myself entertained' I say, feeling like a heavy weight has lifted from my chest. Now I just have to keep my cool until then.

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