Chapter 2 - Clothes

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Excited for my date I go through my  wardrobe over and over again, trying to pick something to wear for Friday.

'Ahhh.  How do I have nothing to wear' I shout to myself, throwing all my clothes into a massive heap on the bed.

If I wasn't seeing Xander on Friday I would have settled on the first outfit I picked out. But I want my outfit to be perfect for my first date with him. I want everything this Friday to be perfect. 

'This is no good. I'm going to have to go shopping' I say aloud to myself.

I think about calling Anna and asking her to come and help me, but I know it'll turn in to a massive thing. Shopping isn't really my cup of tea so I just want a quick in and out.

I grab my bag, phone and keys and head out. 

I catch the bus into town, listening to music the whole way there, so no one tries to talk to me. The song 'Only love can hurt like this' by Paloma Faith comes on and I have to fight every desire in my body to not sing along. 

And when you come close (when you come close), I just tremble
And every time, every time you go
It's like a knife that cuts right to my soul
Only love, only love can hurt like this
Only love can hurt like this

The words make me think of Xander, Causing butterflies to invade my stomach. Then I feel a smile spread across my face as I get excited about our date all over again.

As  I enter the shopping centre I cast my eyes over to which shop I want to try first. I set my sights on urban outfitters and make my way in. I scour the clothing rails and pluck some clothes out, then turn towards the dressing rooms. I enter the small room and pull the curtain across, separating me from the rest of the world. I spin to the floor length mirror on the back wall and study myself in it. I don't see what Anna was talking about yesterday when she was trying to tell me how pretty she thought I was, but then I think about how the man of my dreams has asked me out on a date and I start to feel a little better about myself.

I slip the outfits on that I selected and check myself out in the mirror. There are two dress I can't choose between, making me regret my decision no to invite Anna. The first dress is an emerald green, wrap dress with a plunging V front. The second is a pink Bodycon dress that finishes halfway up my thigh. They're both very flattering on my body and make me feel a lot more confident about my appearance. I could really use another girls advice right about now. Unable to pick between the two, I buy both and tell myself I'll call Anna later and get her to choose which dress to wear Friday.

After I've purchased the dresses I make my way out of the store, clutching the bag, happy with my purchase. As I turn out of the store, minding my own business I come to a holt, almost walking into someone. I take a step back and look up to the tall figure, towering over me.

'Fancy running into you when you're not behind a till' Wes jokes

'Oh hi' Is all I can think to say

'Buying anything nice?' He askes, trying to pull my bag towards him with a finger, to try and peek inside.

I pull the bag back and hold it against my chest.

'Easy, I was just looking.' He jokes, holding his hands up in the air surrendering. 'You know you didn't have to go and get a new dress just for me' He remarks

'Its not for you, I have a date' 

'Ouch B, Why must you wound me like this' He replies, placing his hand over his heart, pretending he has one and I've some how effected him.

'Well as always Wes it's been nice, but I've got to go' I say sarcastically

'Well don't let me stop you' He retorts 'See you later, B' He chimes before walking passed me.

Before he slips out of view he turns on his heels to face me. 'Try not to check me out as I leave this  time' He shouts over to me before winking and then disappearing.

I stand there, unable to say anything until he's out of view.

 'I wasn't. I didn't' I shout with no one listening.

I really don't like that boy.


That evening I get a phone call from my mum. Its not very often she calls. After my dad passing a few years ago we just grew apart. My mum met someone within the year and I wasn't overly happy about it at the time. I guess I just couldn't move on as quick as her and I was kind of jealous that I was still mourning my father.

'Hi Mum' I say as I answer the phone to her.

'Hi Darling, How are you?' She asks

'Living the dream. You?' I reply a little sarcastically

'I'm good thank you, my love.'

'How's mike?

'He's good. It's his birthday soon. I was hoping you would come up for the party?' She asks

Not in a million years would I want to, but I don't want to hurt her feelings.

'Yeah, sure. when is it?' I ask. I can always come up with a reason for not going closer to the time, but I'm very bad at lying on the spot, so I just go along with it.

We talk about the party and all the people who are going and of course I know none of them.

'So...' mum starts 'Are you seeing anyone special yet?' she quizzes

She always asks me this question whenever she calls. I'm pretty sure she's expecting the same response I usually give her until I surprise her with my news.

'Actually, yeah. I have a date this weekend' I tell her a little too excitedly.

'Ohh... What are they like?' she asks

We stay on the phone a little longer, talking about my date with Xander and the dresses I bought today. I like talking to her like this. Sometimes its easy to forget about everything that happened between us.

I'm pretty sure that's the first time in a long time one of our conversations hasn't ended in an argument. 

Still buzzing from the excitement of my date, I lay in bed and drift off, dreaming of all the happy possibilities this Friday has planned for me.

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