Chapter 24 - Lifeless

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I think it's been about 8 days since I was taken. Xander comes and goes. He brings me little food and doesn't stay very long. He hasn't really spoken to me since he confided in me. Maybe he regrets telling me everything?
The quiet has become his usual pattern, until today. He walks into the room with a bucket in his hand. He closes the door behind him and locks us both in together. I pull my legs up to my chest and wrap my arms around them. He gets closer to me and sets the steamy bucket down next to the bed. He leans over and unties my restraints.

'Strip' He commands

I look at him with terror in my eyes.

'Take your clothes off or I will. Don't make me say it again.'

I pull my top off, over my head slowly. Xander stands there and watches me.

'And your bottoms'

I pull my jeans down and return to my original position on the bed with my knees pulled up to my chest, guarding myself with my arms. Xander pulls a wash cloth out the bucket and wrings the excess water out. He prise one of my arms away from my legs and starts to run the cloth up and down. I look to the wall whilst he works the cloth across my body.

'Doesn't that feel good' he says to me.

I don't respond. I just sit there in silence.

He moves the cloth down my legs and he yanks one out from my grasp and then the next, laying me down on the mattress. He runs the cloth from my foot, up my leg, not stopping. He reaches the top of my thigh and moves the cloth to the area between my legs. I push his hand away and pull my legs back up to me.

'I've already told you I'll do what I want to you. Don't you stop me again.' He shouts and then he swings his hand, hitting me across the face. I cover the sting of the blow with my own hand and let out a sob.

'You will learn how this is going to work, my love' he says to me running the tips of his fingers down my arm.

I flinch away from him and then suddenly I feel him grab my arm and yank me across the bed so I'm face down. He climbs onto the bed on top of me and whispers into my ear 'I guess you'll just have to learn the hard way.'

I feel him lift his weight off of me slightly and hear him pull at the zip of his jeans. The realisation of what he's going to do to me hits me like a freight train. I flail around underneath him trying to get out of his grasp.

'That's it baby fight. I like it when they fight'

He pulls his jeans down and forces his knees between my thighs, opening my legs for him.

'Please  Xander don't do this. I'm begging you.' I cry

It has no effect on him and he continues doing what he set out to do.

He places one of his hands on the back of my head, pushing it down into the mattress.

'Don't worry my pretty Birdie, You'll enjoy it. They all do'

When I feel him descend I try to block out what's happening to me. A single tear slides down my face and I try to imagine I'm somewhere else. Anywhere other then this dank basement with him. I lay on the mattress limp and lifeless just wishing for the end to come.

When he finishes he gets up, pulls his jeans back up and looks down at me and laughs. I don't move. I hear him leave the room and lock the door behind him. I turn to my side and pull my legs up to me and cry to myself. I don't think I'll ever stop crying until sleep takes over and I drift off, my face and the mattress underneath me soaked with my tears.

When I wake the next morning I realise my hands are free, Xander didn't tie them back up before he left yesterday. I look around the dark room and remember I saw what looked like a small blocked up window. I move my hands over the bed feeling for my clothes and quickly get dressed. Then I stand on my tip toes and search the top of the wall with my fingertips in the dark until I feel something. I tug at what feels like a metal sheet, causing it to fall to the floor, lighting up the room. I quickly use my new found sight to search the room for something I can use to defend myself with when he comes back. I scurry over to the shelves that lay across the wall and frantically search. I open empty box after empty box, pushing things out of the way to look over every inch of the shelf. I push one box along the shelf and hear something move around inside it. I pull the lid open to see a couple of rolls of duct tape. I pull them out and drop them to the floor hoping there is something in this box and then I see it glisten at the bottom of the box, a stanley blade.

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