Chapter 45 - He knows

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Wes stands there, frozen in place as he digests what I've just blurted out.

'You're Pregnant?' He whispers

I nod my head as I watch him. Wes pulls his hands up to his face and pulls them down his cheeks, whilst he takes in a large breathe.

'How far?' He asks

'Five or six weeks' I say in a quiet voice. I knew this would be it. I knew he wouldn't want a baby. He takes large strides, pacing across the living room floor, before taking a seat on the sofa in the corner, putting his head in his hands. I stand still as I continue watching him, trying to read what's going on in his head. He stays quiet for a few seconds until the silence becomes unbearable. Unsure of what to do I walk over to where he's sitting and kneel on the floor in front of him. I bring my hand up to his and pull them from his face.

'Please talk to me.'

He looks up at me and into my eyes. He studies my face and the serious scowl he has set on his face starts to shift as a smile begins to stretch across his lips.

'You're pregnant?' He asks


'I'm going to be a dad?'


'We're having a baby?'

'Yes' I reply, returning the smile.

He shoots up from his sofa and pulls me into an embrace. He holds me tight, moving his face to the curve of my neck and breathes in.

'When did you find out?'

'Before I left'

He pulls back slightly, to look at me, still holding me against him.

'Why didn't you tell me?'

'Because I didn't know how. Everything has just happened so fast and I only found out a couple of days before I left. My world was crumbling down around me and I just needed some space to think.' I gush out with tears in my eyes.

He pulls me back against his body, bringing his hand up to the back of my head as he holds me.

'I'm glad you told me now' He says after a short while.

'I'm still waiting for an answer by the way' He whispers into my hair.

I let out a chuckle against his chest.

'You mean I haven't scared you off yet?'

'No, but I would have liked to have had you all to myself for a little while longer.' he jokes in my hair.

I nod my head in agreement with him because I was having fun getting to know this man, but now things have changed.

'Did you want a tour?' Wes asks as he pulls out of my arms.

He turns to walk the other way, then reaches back for my wrist.

'So this is the living room' He gestures to the room were standing in, not waiting too long for me to take in the view. 

'That's the kitchen' He continues without even stopping.

'And the bedroom is this way' He says, guiding me to what I'm sure will be my new happy place.

I'm ushered into a large bedroom with built in, mirrored wardrobes, tall ceiling to floor windows and a four poster bed. My eyes linger on the bed, imagining all the depraved things I want this man to do to me.

Wes moves closer into me, as if knowing exactly what I'm thinking. He pulls a lock of my hair between his fingers and plays with it before dropping his mouth to my neck.

'You want to take it for a spin' He breathes out in a husky voice, following my eyes to the bed.

I don't reply to him, but I moved towards the bed. Without looking behind me, I take items of clothing off until I'm in nothing but a black lace thong. I turn, locking eyes with him as I sit on the edge of the bed and lay back onto my elbows before opening  my legs  for him.

Wes stands there, staring down at me before hastily taking his clothes off and  striding toward the bed. When he gets to the edge he pauses and looks down at me. His eyes exploring all over my body. He bites his lip before letting  out a seductive growl and climbing on top of me. 

'You'll be the death of me' He utters before leading a trail of kisses down my neck, towards my breasts. He continues his venture down until he arrives to the only fabric I have left on my otherwise naked body. He glances up towards me with a smirk on his face as he slides the fabric out of his way, moving his mouth towards my sweet spot. I watch him while he teases me. Tracing his tongue around the area I need him to touch. I run my fingers into his hair as he smiles up at me, before giving me what I want. As his tongue comes into contact with my clit I throw my head back on the bed in ecstasy. The more he licks and sucks the closer I get to coming undone. As I feel the heat start to build between my legs I arch my back and dig my finger nails into the bed, before a toe curling orgasm rips though my body, leaving me panting on the bed. 

'I'm not done with you yet' Wes announces with a wicked grin on his face, as he moves up the bed towards me.

'I'd be disappointed if you were' I reply, mirroring his smile.

I could get use to this.

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