Chapter 14 - Feels like home

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A couple of days have gone by since the attack and I'm starting to feel a lot better. The bruise on my side has started to fade and my head has stopped hurting. Neither Wes or I have left his place since then, surviving on take outs and each others company. Work have been understanding about what happened to me, so I'm not expected back for a while and Wes has some how managed to get time off from his job so I don't have to be alone. Its Thursday night and we're watching some weird film he found on TV.

I'm feeling anxious about there still being no news on Xander. He's vanished. He hasn't been home and apparently no one has seen him.

I need something to help me relax so I turn to Wes. 'I think I'm going to go have a shower' I tell him. I get up and walk into the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I use Wes's mint shower gel to wash myself, rubbing it all over my body. I don't think I'll ever be able to smell mint again and not think of him. When I'm done I reach for a towel and wrap it around my body before slipping out of the bathroom. I walk passed the back of the sofa that Wes is sitting on and continue down the hall towards the bedroom. As I turn around to close the door behind me I see him watching me. He smiles at me before turning back around to watch the rest of his film.

I grab one of his tops and slip it on over my head and find a clean pair of boxers in his draw and slip them on. I walk back out into the living room and sit back down next to Wes. We carry on watching TV stealing glances at each other whilst the other one isn't looking. Just as I'm about the say something Wes stands up from the sofa.

'I think I'm gunna go for a quick shower too'

He walks into the bathroom and pushes the door to a close, but it swings back open a little. I can see him run the shower and put his hand under the water to check the temperature. He hasn't realised I can see him. I watch as he walks over to the sink and looks at himself in the mirror. Just staring back at himself. What is he thinking about? After a little while he starts to take his clothes off. I know I shouldn't keep looking, but I can't seem to stop myself. I watch as he lifts his shirt over his head exposing the tattoos that run across his broad chest and down towards his abs. They really are a work of art. Intricate twisting vines pull my eyes down to the waist band of his jeans. He unbuttons them and drops them to the floor. He steps out of his jeans and pulls his socks off at the same time. His fingers move to the waist band of his boxers and I snap my head back to the TV. I hear the door close behind me.

'Oh god, He definitely knows you were staring you creep' I say to myself

Fifteen minutes pass, then twenty and I think to myself he's been in the shower for a while now. Is he ever going to come back out?

I try to carry on watching some TV, but the sound of the running water in the shower causes me to drift off to sleep.

I wake up to a pair of arms sliding underneath me and lifting me up from the sofa.


'Hey B, go back to sleep, I didn't mean to wake you.' he says whilst carrying me to the bedroom.

I look up at him from under my lashes and just watch him as he carries me. He looks down when he notices me staring.

'See something you like' he jokes to me

I pull my hand up to his chest and run my fingertips along his bare skin, tracing the line of one of his many tattoos 'Maybe' I say

I think he's a little taken back by my forwardness as he chuckles a little, but says nothing else.

He sets me down on the bed and then walks around to the other side before climbing in.

'We should probably get you some clean clothes and stuff from your place tomorrow' he tells me

'Why? Don't you like me wearing your clothes? I tease and poke him in his side.

He catches my hand in his and just holds it there.

'I do' he replies' Maybe a little too much'

'Oh' I reply

We lay there in the bed just watching each other, Neither of us wanting to say anything. And that's how I fall asleep, with my hand still in his.

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